I received a Pyramid from WITTS and when I did I immediately wanted to feel the energy projecting from it. So I held the pyramid in one of my hands and I took the other hand and wave it over it horizontally from right to left and left to right. I felt a cooling sensation that was unmistakably different that when my hand was outside the pyramid. Then directly after my experience, I brought the pyramid to my wife and asked her to do the same thing I did. I intentionally didn’t tell her my results, that way she would have a virgin opinion on the matter. She by the way had no idea that pyramids (built correctly) produce a wonderful concentration of energy. She also felt a cool sensation and was very impressed at what she could feel but not see. It’s quite real and wonderful! 
 I then did the same experiment to my mother. She had a little bit different experience than my wife and I. When she waved her had across horizontally, she felt a warm sensation. I was surprised by this as it was the opposite temperature of our sensation. Than I pivoted the pyramid 90 degrees and told my mother to wave her hand across the pyramid again. This time she felt the cool! Than my wife and I felt the same thing but still opposite of my mother when we pivoted the pyramid 90 degrees! 
 Next, I put the pyramid in my crisper drawer in the bottom of my refrigerator because the pyramid energy that we felt helps to keep the food from going bad and it increases the flavor many times over! For instance, I bought a bag full of baby carrots prior to putting the pyramid in the refrigerator. The carrots are out of season and so they tasted a bit dry and tasteless. Only one week after being directly under the pyramid they tasted sweet and juicy, PRAISE GOD! 
Brother Kyle Smith   

Sir Timothy! Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Prosperous New Year. I want to thank you for your prayers, faith, love and support through one of the darkest times of my life! GOD bless you and all the World Improvement Ministries team, I so appreciate you and thank GOD for you all. In Christ Alone   John B.


Hello Brother Sir Timothy and The World Improvement team! 

 I am sending you a quick message to tell you how delighted I am with your fuel saving technology.
 I received a 16.0% improvement very quickly driving very conservatively. Over the last few days however I have been on bush roads  and also on the highway driving at speed.
 I assumed the fuel consumption would decrease with hard driving but instead, it has continued to improve! 
 I am amazed!
 This is the first fuel saving technology I have used that actually works as claimed.
 God bless You all there and keep up the good work!
Richard and Ann Lobwein

Shalom Brothers!


I have now been able to test QUEETs with Excellent results!

First I accidentally got a very strong bite from some very poisonous insect insect to my right foot. (scorpion?)
In about 30 minutes, the skin was away from about half a square inch area and bleeding started.
After the bleeding stopped and put had a QUEET overnight on the spot. It took away all the pain! So I continued every night, so it didn’t hurt when sleeping.
The new skin didn’t start to grow right away, and I got itchy in many places over my body
I prayed to God at night to get understanding what to do
Then HE answered to put sea-salt to  skin, even to wounds, I had then two minor wounds also in my left hand.
I did so and it helped.
Then suddenly four days ago a strong pain hit my mouth, the area where I should swallow.
I had a QUEET in a cloth band and I moved it over the painful area.
It started to relieve pain and in two days, yesterday, I felt better, but the pain was transferring it’s position away from the QUEET. Until today it came to right side of my mouth and was less and less.
Crystal found another QUEET from her wallet, so I set those two QUEETs in the same band and have them now on my right side neck over the painful areas.
QUEETs are more effective as a pair!
Yes again, Brother! This night was a battle against the disease and QUEETs -QUEETs won!
Reijo Valtonen

To the World Improvement Team,

 Thank you WITTS Ministries for helping me and my 86 year old grandma and my elderly great- aunt (91 yrs).
  Sir T and all of you there, thank you very much I already receive the Healing the sick book by T.L. Osborne and the Bible this book will help me a lot and reading this will add to my knowledge and to my grandmother. Thank you so much WITTS for sending this books!
Watching your teaching online help me a lot. We have better health then ever before due to applying what you teach about the Word of God!
My grandma and aunt both had high blood pressure and strokes and paralysis. But no more! Totally healed by God! After learning Gods word from the Bible and your teachings. 
I will continue reading and watch your excellent Bible teaching online.
Thank you and more power. GOD BLESS US ALL
Jacqueline Abquilan

To all you believers in Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus The Christ) greetings,

I attended a healing workshop, called The Elijah Challenge workshop, on the weekend of June 21-24, 2012 in Houston, TX.
We witnessed powerful healing for many people as a witness to the Power of YHWH Yahweh God Almighty in the name above all names Yahshua the Messiah (Yahshua means Yahweh is salvation) and many call him (Jesus the Christ).
I continue to receive testimonies of the the people who have come to the Elijah Challenge group to be healed. Below are some testimonies.
We witnessed everything from pain relief, deaf ears opened (one such eardrum was removed due to a tumor removal, she also had hearing in the ear that previously had no eardrum), stroke symptoms (from blood clot disappearing to left side paralysis nearly gone and an almost complete recovery), to heart angina completely healed (doctors report is the witness to a full recovery see below heart testimony).
We saw that we as believers have been not only given authority, but also have been commanded to heal the sick and to preach the Gospel meaning Godspell) thereby fulfilling  the great commission!
We have both a Priestly roll and a Kingly roll NOW AT THIS PRESENT TIME! HALLELUYAH!!!!!!!!!!

Rev1:6  And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.


Rev5:10  And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

I believe this is the only way this prophesy can be fulfilled:

Gen3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

This great commission which is referred to in various ways in the scripture can only be accomplished by going forth with Power and Authority in Action by us, “the seed of the woman,” by the authority given to us through Yahshua the Messiah’s triumph, in overcoming the world and taking all of our sins once and for all to himself as a kinsman redeemer.
He sent forth his twelve: Matt 10:1 And when he had called unto [him] his twelve disciples, he gave them power [against] unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Mat10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mat10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Then he sent forth the seventy:

Luk10:1 After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.


 Luk10:9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.


Luk10:17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

And  here we have The Messiah commanding his disciples to make disciples teaching them to do all the things that he had commanded them to do. This is our great commission to go forth in power!

Mat28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mat28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

I am your brother and servant and share with you these glad tidings or I should say this good news of the Gospel,
Be patient with me and my response time, because I am very busy and have little time, but know that there is nothing more important to me than to share the GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF YHWH (YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY) in YAHSHUA (meaning Yahweh is salvation) THE MESSIAH the one that many call (Jesus The Christ).

Tom Linebaugh


Testimonials from recent Philippine Healing Crusades in Tuguegarao and surrounding area:

Over 1200 people surrendered their life to God during these meetings, and the miracle of salvation is the greatest miracle of all! These email confirmations came from a person living in the Philippines who was able to confirm that these people stated they were healed. This is only a small portion of the thousands who experienced healings during the ministry meetings in many cities. Approximately 90% of these healings were noticeable within 20 minutes, because that’s when they would come back up and testify to everyone what had happened.

NOTE1: The term “High Blood”, in the Philippines, means dizziness, headaches, strokes, heart attacks, paralysis of limbs and different parts of the body.  The term it probably is closest to here in the USA is “high blood pressure”.  But, because they eat so much salt over there, its a lot more severe and life-threatening.

NOTE2: “Healing of Wisdom” refers to them GETTING WISDOM.  In fulfillment of the scripture in James, first chapter, “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask God. For He gives generously.”  WITTS ministry has had a special anointing to impart wisdom in this manner (Teaching, Prayer of faith, and laying on of hands.)  We have seen Many Amazing Miracles regarding people suddenly getting wisdom (and sudden mentality Increase, Sudden jump in I.Q.)

PERTO GUILLERMO: Healed of blood clot he had for almost 1 year that made leg useless.
MERING GUILLERMO: Healed of stoke and body pain had made her bedridden for almost 1 year.
ANNA: Healed of asthma she had for almost 2 weeks.
MAJIE MAQUERRA: Healed of shoulder pain and dizziness she had for almost 1 week.
HELEN: Healed of blurry eye and arthritis and leg pain she had for almost 1 week.
PAZ MAQUERA: Healed of dizziness (had 5 days) and got clear eyesight.
TARSING: Healed of difficulty hearing and arthritis and leg pain she had.
OLIMPIA GUILLERMO: Healed of arthritis, body pain, dizziness.
ARCELY GUILLERMO: Healed of her body pain and voice (couldn’t speak.)  God enabled her to speak.  She also had large black sores all over her body and was healed of that.
LORING: Healed of difficulty kneeling.  God enabled her to kneel (had been unable to bend knees for almost 1 month.)
LYDIA GUILLERMO: Healed of arm pain and received clear eyesight.
RUBEN GUILLERMO: Healed of sinusitis that had given him a runny nose for almost 2weeks.
LAGRING: Healed of high blood pressure, and dizziness for almost 1week.
BEBEI: Healed of high blood sugar she had for almost 2weeks.
MERING: Healed of blood pressure and arthritis and leg pain she had almost 3 months.
GIGI RASGO: Restored to good health.
JOSIE: Healed of shoulder pain she had for almost 4 days.
BERNARDO: Healed of prostate swelling.
ESTER: Healed of dizziness and body pain.
NORMA: Healed of blurry eye.
JOY: Healed of diabetes and kidney problems.
LAZARO: Healed of  body pain.
NORMA: Healed of diabetes.
KENNETH PAUL: Healed of  heart problem.
JULIET PASCUA: Healed of goiter.
ANA VALENZUELA: Healed of kidney problem.
DOLORES FUERTES: Healed of arthritis.
SHIRLEY SORIANO: Healed of nervous breakdown and high blood.
LOLITA TUBERA: Healed of high blood and arthritis.


DANELLA: Healed of runny nose.
NANI RASGO: Healed of stomach pain she had experienced for 3days.
OLIVER GUILLERMO: Healing of wisdom.
ELIAS GUILLERMO: Healed of runny nose.
IVORY GUILLERMO: Healed of toothache and coughing.
ONIOK: Healed of runny nose and coughing also received wisdom.
KETONG: Healed of toothache.


BOB DA KENGKO: Healed of asthma he had had for almost 2 weeks.
ARCHIE: Healed of UTI and asthma he had had for almost 1 year.
BENJIE: Healed of sinusitis and behavioral problems (similar to ADHD.)

Glory to God forevermore!

Testimonial from Justice Thunder:
Was able to see some absolutely amazing results after we consulted with him several times and taught him how to acquire his healing and health.  We received the following letter from him March 1, 2011.

You folks keep up the GREAT work.
I want to let you all know, that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.
HE allowed my body to reject the nasty disease of AML
Acute Mylogenis Leukemia
last sept-nov—- man’s chemicals but with the knowledge of GOD IS
how they ALL got me in to remission cured.
I Consider my self CURED by the grace of GOD, I am now since Nov.2010
no longer have the most deadly of all leukemia’s.
Now, Cured and have no plan, but daily prayer to keep it all away permanently. there is so much more
to tell but I won’t won’t bore you with the full details just now.
But here is one reason I have Not been in touch for a while.
Hi Doctor John…

Peace and thank you

Received by WITTS the Week of March 1, 2011…

To the World Improvement Team,
I enjoy your Wednesday night broadcasts… but last night touched on something that God has reaaallly been dealing with me on lately…
You told about when you were on a missions trip, and went outside during a storm and, in Jesus’ name, commanded the rain to stop, and then the clouds to depart.
Well… to say the least… I’m not one who would ever call this anything but the truth!!
Right after I was first saved… which was about 15 years ago, I was outside my house, installing a home-brew central air-conditioning condenser unit.  I was working on the AC wiring, and the skies clouded up, and it began to rain.
I ‘had’ to get it done that day, or wait another week… and I prayed “God… I really need to get this done… would you make it stop raining please?”  (as I said…. I was a baby-in-Christ at that time… pleading for help).
What happened next was something that I had never had happen to me before…. and it was a shocker… God spoke to me…  VERY CLEARLY… and He said “No, you make it stop… remember My Word… how Jesus commanded the storm to stop?… and how several times He scolded His disciples for not having enough faith?… and that I gave you My SPIRIT to live in you?
Well… that was a shocker… but what happened next will stick with me forever…. and beyond!
I said, out loud and looking skyward… “In JESUS NAME, STOP raining”. And exactly like you said… within about 3-4 seconds, it completely stopped!
I had to look around to see if anyone saw this… but I immediately praised His Name, and gave THANKS!!
Well… years pass… until about 4-5 years ago.
My wife (an incredible Chinese-Malaysia woman-of-God) & I now have 2 boys, and it was tornado season in the Kansas City area… and we had one heading right for us. There were reports of sightings within a mile of us, and the radar on TV News showed we were directly in its path.  God reminded me of the first event (above) and I knew full-well that no tornado was beyond HIS powerful Name… so I went to the door, and IN JESUS’ NAME, told it “PEACE, BE STILL”… then went back down into our safe area with my family, and continued to pray and watch the weather reports.
At that very moment, the tornado retreated back into the clouds… it was gone. The next day, we were driving around, and saw obvious damage of houses, trees, fences… all within about ¼ mile of our house… and in a line directly towards us.
NEXT…   about a month ago, we were having lots of bad Winter weather around the area, and had already had a couple of bad Sunday attendances at the Church where I work… obviously affecting the Church tithes/offerings. (silly people… why do they not make up for it, just because they can’t make it to Church, doesn’t mean they get to “skip out” on their tithes/offerings…?)  (BTW… we are very much an “inner-city” Church… far away from the “wealthy-burbanites”… our people are mostly inner-city people… hard workers, but low income.)
Anyway… the forces of the enemy were hard at work, brewing up another snow/ice storm for (of course) Sunday morning.  God started bugging me about it Friday afternoon… pray against it, call on His Name again.
Well… I “weenied-out” a bit, and told all our staff to pray against the oncoming storm, so that people would be able to make it to Church on Sunday.
…but God kept bugging me…. “YOU do it”… was what I was hearing.
All day Saturday… kept hearing the forecast for “several inches overnight”… and I kept hearing “do something about it”… God kept bugging me…
Well… Saturday night came, all the weather reporters were still saying it was going to be bad… it was already snowing (about ½” had already fallen)….. and God FINALLY got to me… after the rest of my family had all gone to bed. I went to the front door, opened it a bit (it was cold!)… and commanded that in JESUS NAME, there would be no storm, and that people would be able to make it to Church in the morning”. Shut the door, went to bed.
Got up Sunday morning, looked outside, and there was ½” of snow… it looked exactly like it did when I stuck my head out the night before!   \O/
Long & short of it…  I believe what the Word says… that if we have FAITH, and in my understanding – according to HIS will, and strictly for HIS glory… we can tell a mountain to get up and jump into the ocean! (my translation).
Problem is… our “modern Christianity” is AFRAID of MIRACLES!… afraid to PERFORM Miracles is more like it.
We’re “open” to allowing God to perform Miracles… but do it ourselves?… well…. that’s another thing!
BUT HE SAID WE CAN… and it’s not some “small part” of the Holy Spirit that lives within the Believer… it’s ALL OF HIM… ALL OF HIS POWER resides within us, according to HIS will.
Oh…. if “we” could only get this across to God’s people… the WORLD would be changed!
I’m not saying that at Sheffield (where I work) we don’t see miracles… we actually DO see miracles of healing… and a constant miracle of provisions to pay for this place that God said He wanted in the INNER-CITY to bring GLORY to HIS NAME… when all the “church leaders” said we should NEVER try such a thing!
(see photos)
We still struggle with church finances.  I (as well as others) have not had a raise in 6 years, and with a single income household, and 2 boys in Christian school… it’s tough… very tough.  This is one area I wish God would “bug me about”… and have me command some finances to come not only into our household, but into Sheffield as well… to free us up to do more Ministry than we can now.
Personally… I was called out of a high-paying Electronics Design career that I’d been in for 15+ years… God said “it’s time to leave”… but never would answer my “WHY?”….  so I just did. I was working for GARMIN International at the time… I was the 12th employee, and got to grow with them to over 3,000 employees, worldwide in over 10 countries.  The President was a WONDERFUL man of God… who gave as it was given to him…. and God richly blessed the company for it.
I’m totally a “believer” in “alternative energy”… it’s people like you who give the whole movement credibility!
I’m mainly involved in areas of water dissociation, and “motionless electrical” energy ‘harvesters’.  I believe God has given me a few ideas in both areas… just wish I had more time to work on it!!!!!
God has already given me some amazing product insights in my life… even WAY before I believed in Him!  In the early 1970’s, I was in my early teens, and loved music and bicycling… but there was no such thing as “boom boxes” at the time… no battery powered stereos to play my (yes, I’m old) 8-track tapes on…. so I made my own… and put it in my backpack, and went riding.  World’s first battery powered, high-powered portable stereo tape player.
(hey… I’ve been a electronics tinkerer since I was about 6 years old… so this was child’s play)
Then, in about 1980 (age 21), I was a product design engineering assistant at a law enforcement electronics company, M.P.H. Industries. I still loved my music, but hated carrying around 100+ cassette tapes, and swapping them out just to hear the songs I liked on each. I came up with the crazy idea that someday, I would be able to digitize my music, store it on a memory chip, and plug it into my car stereo somehow… but unfortunately that was the days of 16-64Kbit DRAM memory chips… nowhere near what was needed to implement what we now call MP3 players.
Much later, when I was working in R&D at GARMIN, we were facing a whole new product generation, and needed to simplify our TCXO calibration process to meet mass-production requirements. I had a stupidly simple idea… why not just use the GPS satellite clock frequency to ‘calibrate’ our GPS receiver xtal oscillator, in real-time… storing calibration factors in a “offset table” in NV-memory based on our xtal osc. temp?  I mentioned it to our chief engineer… and it was one of those “DOH!” moments… like why didn’t we do this before?  That was my first  patent… though shared with other Garmin engineers who co-developed it into a producible form.
After I left Garmin, I was the Director of R&D at a small electronics contract design/build house.  I had my 2nd patent there for a snow plow remote control which sent the RF commands through the vehicle 12V wiring.
Well… I tend to go on and on… and on!
I’ll cut it for now… and I continue to send you my prayers for support and protection!!
I look forward to the day when you are allowed to increase your “claimed output” of your motor-generator set!  You told me before it would do something like 40KW… that’s awesome. Maybe someday I’ll be able to build something similar, so I can get off the grid… and use that money for my boys’ schooling!  (My Dad passed a year ago to cancer… leaving me full/unfettered access to his completely equipped machine shop… I’m already having fun fab’ing stuff.  At least he made his decision for Christ before he left this life… though just barely! \O/)
Blessings to you!!
R. C.
–Ps. R. C.
Dir. of Media Ministries
There is some AMAZING news in my insurance case.
The fining guys have informed me they’ll postpone a decision about my case
for a while because the government is presently considering abolishing
these types of fines!
And they say I owe them nothing, if they get abolished!
It looks like your standing in agreement with me is moving the Almighty
God to change the law in the Netherlands!!!

I consider this a miracle and my flabber is gasted!!!
Long ago there was a preacher named Corrie Ten Boom. She said The Lord
told her to book a particular flight. When she got to the travel agent,
they told her: direct flights like that don’t exist and are impossible
because there are no islands on the route where a plane could refuel. She
said: we’ll have to pray for an island then.
Then the travel agent got a message that that particular flight was
possible after all, because
henceforth some obscure island would be used for refueling.
That story impressed me, but I consider my case nothing less than that one.
Please keep standing with me in agreement that the government will indeed
abolish these type of fines.
If the Lord keeps acting like this upon our standing in agreement, keeping
taxes and fines away from me, my donations to you cost me nothing!
It does not cost to support Gods work, It Pays!
I have received your June newsletter, thanks. I’ve missed your first live
broadcast on justin.tv/worldimprovement
I hope I can watch the next one.
May the Lord bless you guys.
MJ Romein
[minor editing was done for clarity]
Received by WITTS the Week of March 26, 2011…
Comment from the brothers at World Improvement Ministries: This faithful brother has a heart of Godly love,
and has been a guest on at least one previous show.

God says in Malachi 3, vs 8-12, that we should “test Him out in tithes and offerings.”
This brother obeyed God, and God delivered him.
Hi my name is MJ Romein
I live in the Netherlands where I work as a receptionist annex security guard at a home for the elderly.
I pay my tithes to WITTS ministries. With my wages I can make ends meet, but I have no buffer for unexpected bills. Last year the tax authorities ordered me to report my income.  I thought all my taxes were paid, but when I read up a bit on taxes I found out I had probably paid 1,800 euros too little.
I asked WITTS to pray for a lower tax bill than I expected. They did, and I got a bill for some 100 euros.
A couple of months later I had another encounter with the authorities.
I was fined 3,344 euros for not having a health insurance.
I couldn’t pay and I asked them for clemency.  Then I asked WITTS to pray that the fine would be remitted.  The fining authority exhorted me to pay up, and they added collection costs to the fine.
It didn’t look good, so again I asked WITTS to pray.
WITTS said: God has spoken and said, “you won’t have to pay it”.
I was surprised at WITTS’ confidence because it didn’t look good in the natural.
But then the fining authority did a miraculous U-turn.
The next thing I heard from them was: The government is considering abolishing these types of fines and we’ll postpone a decision about your request for clemency.
It’s now 9 months later and they have just informed me I definitely won’t have to pay it.
These events show that the Lord is true to his word in Malachi 3:10
Tithing is less expensive than not tithing.
For those not familiar with Visions…
The main way God leads is through His word The Bible, And the second main way is through the spirit of man, or the heart of man. And this is how God leads most of the time, for most people. (About 95% of the time)
However God leads in other ways also, such as dreams, visions, word of wisdom, word of edification, and so on.
However, if any vision or dream does not line up with both the reborn spirit and the Word of God, then do not accept it.  It is not of GOD!
God gives visions and dreams to his servants for edification and for guidance.
So if the following does not resonate with you, just “eat the meat and spit out the bones”.
Hello Brothers,
I was just pressing into God the Father in love just now and saw and realized something that you are probably already aware of but I want to share it for the sake of sharing something to celebrate.  I have not done this since the “homework” because of “busyness” so I got pretty worn down on many levels.
I see now that it was the enemy, that was wearing me down in an effort to incapacitate me.
I finally realized that this is happening and needed to press into the Father’s love.  So, like before, I laid my arms in front of me and again, in my mind’s eye, looked up the mountain of God.  This time I got past the terrible part and broke through at an altitude where the terrain changed dramatically -just above the clouds.  It was just steep as ever but the surface was smooth and crystalline-like one great crystal running upward. The color was white/yellow.
There was a great deal of light everywhere -especially upward.    All the rough stuff was covering the crystal downward and nothing covering it upward.  After I was finished or God was finished with me, I decided that the rough stuff like what we normally expect from a mountain was from the enemy coming against God.  I say this because the way that a path was pulverized through this upward in a previous vision.  Matthew 12:25-30 points to what I mean to say here.
So, I was able to stand in the light of God’s glory for a while and get recharged.
I see now that knowing of the battle and the enemy’s monstrous movements can really take it out of me and I need to make a concerted effort to recharge regularly.
I also realize that it may be what is keeping others away from the ADVANCED THINGS OF GOD.
I see now why Sir says a lot about staying “charged-up” in the spirit. 
So, I bless you all in Jesus name.  You continue to hit the nail on the head with good teaching and healing,  brothers!


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 Randall Urban wrote:
Thank you Brother John!You help me to get back onto the right track! 

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011, Witts Ministries2014 wrote:



Hello brother Randall!

Thank you for your encouraging words!

And don’t let it bother you if people are too caught up in their own world to help bring the solutions to mankind. It is part of the strategy of the enemy to keep people so busy that they have no time and no ability to wake up to the realities of Messiah (Jesus Christ) and of God Almighty and His Kingdom solutions.

God is not in control of this world. Satan is. The Bible says “the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one” (1 John 5;19) And Jesus said, “the ruler of this world is coming and he has no hold on me”. (John 14:30)

And 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the glorious good news, about the Messiah, would not shine through”.

Unfortunately we have a lot of unbelievers right in the church! I have met more then one preacher who has said that God is not real. Or the Bible is not accurate. Or Satan is not real. Etc.

We have so many baby Christians that have yet to grow up and learn to work together for the important things of God. And His Kingdom.

The Church has “majored on the minors”. Instead of majoring on the major points of Gods Kingdom. (According to first Corinthians the first ten chapters, the major points is getting rid of division in the body of Christ and working together in agreement in Gods love)

But the Good News is that many are waking up! (As the world corruption gets more obvious) And then we can help them grow up! By exposing them to good, bible based teaching on how they can start exercising their God-given power and authority over the forces of darkness!

With God on our Side, We are more then Conquerors!

So just spread the good news! The lost and the unbelievers are waking up. Many are changing sides! God is confirming his word with many signs and wonders and healings and many people getting saved!

If you would like to help our ministry to get into a church to speak/teach/and spread the healing power of God, just focus on the healing ministry. Most people are in favor of God healing people.

Many are also in favor of World Evangelism. Also Missionary work. Find out what the interests are of the leaders, and talk about that. As you know, World Improvement Ministries is very busy in ALL the things of God.

Just focus on specific things of God that fire up the hearts of others.

God is so good!

Yes, We are dedicated to help this hurting world. To rescue the starving, and the lost, and the mal-nourished. And the spiritually lost.

We all feel that feeding one starving soul and helping him into Gods Kingdom, is worth more then all the money in the world.

And you are right. This world is truly a backward place.

But that gives us great opportunity to help! Jesus said, “as you did it to the least of these my brothers, so you did it on to me”.

Jesus taught, We store up GREAT treasures in heaven, when we do good here. Even to those who do not deserve it. (Sermon On The Mount)

Many years ago, Sir T wrote a book called “The Richest Man in Heaven”. It is full of excellent spiritual teaching about spiritual and financial matters and what is real riches and what is counterfeit.

(We hope to have it in print again some day. But we will have a condensation of 3 of its chapters, up, online soon. )

But the reason I mentioned that book, is because we often joke with him about him being the “richest man in heaven”. (I am sure he is not the richest man in heaven, but I do think he is one of the richest.) But the point is, The people of this great Earth could receive great blessings, now and forever, if we developed and put into practice, the kind of values, that put heavenly treasures, and Gods Smile, first and foremost in our daily lives.

God says in Malachi 3;10, to test him out in this matter. No-where else does God say to test him. As a matter of fact, it says do not test him on any other matter. Only on this matter.

And the most important tithes and offerings is not money, but our love to Him and His Kingdom, and our loving service to Him from the heart.

God Is So Good!

Take care brothers and sisters!


The World Improvement Team.

Received by WITTS the week of April 2, 2011…
Dear WITTS Brothers in Christ:
I wanted to share a few of my QUEET experiences over the last year:
1.) My skeptical medical nurse wife had a headache one morning, this was right after I had gotten my first QUEET and so I convinced her to try putting it where the pain was.  She agreed and sat down to work on the computer for a few minutes.  About 2 minutes later I inquired “how’s the headache?” and to her own amazement, she looked up and said “I had completely forgotten about it!  It’s completely gone!”
2.) My sister had a headache one morning too and I told her to place it right by the pain and so she tucked it in to her glasses.  I asked about the headache 30 seconds later and she said “It’s completely gone!”
3.) My dad (in his 60’s) complained of chronic pain in his knuckles on his left hand.  So while at coffee with him one morning, we placed it across 3 of the knuckles on his left hand.  I asked him about 30 minutes later about it and surprised, he said that the pain was GREATLY diminished in those 3 knuckles compared to what it had been before and what the other 2 untreated ones were feeling.
4.) A friend of mine in his late 50’s complained of chronic pain in his left hand in multiple areas.  I taped a queet onto his left hand one night on the left 3 knuckles for about an hour and a half.  After that he said there was a BIG difference in the pain on those 3 knuckles compared to normal, and compared to the other two.
5.) I laminated 2 QUEETS next to each other and wore them in my sock on my left foot.  I noticed that the intermittent pain in my left foot was completely gone compared to the right untreated foot.
Thank You WITTS Team for this unique and incredibly effective device!
Denver, CO

Received by WITTS the week of March 31, 2011…


Testimonial from Veronica Angel of Tracy, CA:

I used the QUEET on the top part of my hand and wrist, because I had pulled something while moving furniture around. My husband received the QUEET a couple of days after that happened. As soon as he saw the letter in the mail he ripped it open, read the instructions and called Sir Timothy. After a little more instruction he placed it under the bandage I hand on my wrist and hand. I could not close my hand because of the pain and inflammation.

After about 25 minutes my husband turned to me and asked “how does your hand feel?” Amazingly, I felt very little pain! I was even able to close my fingers about half way to making a fist without pain. I forgot about it and left it on all night. The next morning at about 10:30AM I unwrapped the bandage and to my amazement, the swelling was gone! I could close my hand again, without pain pills. Praise God for giving you the understanding to make something like this!

I also get migraines pretty severely. My husband put the QUEET on my head and I went to sleep with it on for a couple of hours. When I awoke, I didn’t have the dizziness or the achiness I normally experience.
Thank you and God Bless!!

Veronica Angel, wife of Raul Angel, Tracy, CA

Received by WITTS the week of May 21, 2010…
Hi all, WITTS engineers, scientists, fellow believers seeking God’s kingdom,

I just thought I would pass along a remarkable experience we had using a QUEET strip yesterday.
I am interning with a naturopathic doctor in York County, Pennsylvania, and he had a patient who became very sensitive to EMF fields after being exposed to a business-card like device that threw his body far out of whack and he hasn’t been quite the same since. It has been years since he had that thing in his pocket, but he described it as though it “short circuited” him. Yesterday, as we were working with him, and I was seeking God’s wisdom in how we might reverse this unfortunate effect, the QUEET came to mind. I happened to have one in my phone’s battery compartment, where I leave it most of the time. I brought it out and explained to him that the people who designed it are believers who seek the kingdom of God before all else, and that they were on the “right team.” It caused him a little anxiety at first, because it somewhat resembled the device that threw him off a few years ago. He picked it up in his fingers, and held it for a few seconds, and then put it down quickly. I asked him if he felt anything, and he had noticed a difference right away. He picked it up again and held it for a little while. After about 30 seconds, he described that the pressure was draining from his head, and that his vision was improving again (all of these the negative effects he has been dealing with since his encounter several years ago). He explained that it was almost like touching a tree, which had interestingly enough been one of the few things that had given him relief (don’t ask me why…that’s just what he explained). He said that it felt like it was doing the opposite of what that other thing had done to him several years ago. I was extremely excited about all this, because this man has been dealing with chronic and unusual problems since his run in with this other device. Whatever was wrong with what he was using before, we don’t know. But he knew he was safe when I explained that you all are working for the Lord and are fellow believers with us. He is going to try it for a week. I am so excited because I feel like we may have found answers for him after a long discouraging road of failures to recover. The effect was immediate!

Thank you all so much,
It is a privilege and great joy to serve alongside brothers like you,
God bless you!
John Maughan
Portage, Pennsylvania

Dear brothers,
I had a interesting experience today, using the QUEET, so I thought I would send it in. My dad was experiencing some lower back pain around lunchtime. He made an offhand comment of how it was bothering him, so I asked him about it more specifically. He said the pain wasn’t terrible, but it was obviously enough that he commented on it. We put one of the QUEET strips on his lower back with a band-aid. In five minutes I asked him to check the pain, and he said there was a noticeable decrease. I know my dad tends to be rather skeptical, so he would only say so if there really were a difference. He left it on for the rest of his lunch break, and when he got ready to go back to work, the pain was entirely gone.
All for Jesus!
John Maughan
Dear Sirs, I wanted to write you and thank you for the wonderful job you (WITTS) are doing!
Your QUEET Technology is truly amazing!
I am 83 years old now, and have been in constant pain for 10 years, that is until 2 weeks ago, when I tried the QUEET.
You see, ten years ago, I fell and broke my right hip. A year later, I fell and broke my other hip. Because of my age and my Osteoporosis and other factors, the hips did not heal. I was in constant pain for ten years.
3 weeks ago, my husband, John Colbrun requested 2 of your QUEETs. You instructed us to put them against the skin, one on each hip, with a large bandage.
We did so and I was absolutely amazed at the results! The terrible pain was completely gone in both hips for the first time in more then 10 years! And it only took ten min!
I had been taking pain medication 3 times a day, everyday, for ten years!.  NOW I TAKE NO PAIN KILLERS AT ALL!
And another amazing thing, Just this morning. I went to the Doctor to tell him about your technology, and he took X-rays, and he says “This is incredible! This is the first time in ten years, that that I have seen signs of healing in these fractures”.
The Doctor is wanting to order some of this fantastic healing strips (QUEETs). I hope it is OK that I gave him the address of your website.
God bless you all there, and all your work!
Betty and John Colbrun
Co Springs. Co
QUEET results,
Rotary cuff on my right shoulder was fraying and both had some inflammation. I had started doing therapy twice a week and was down to 2-4 hours of sleep a night due to fatigued aching muscles.The QUEET has taken nearly all fatigue away.
Linford Wenger


Received by WITTS the week of April 3, 2010…

It is over 12 months now since I spoke to Sir Timothy Thrapp and the brothers at World Improvement Ministries, with regards to the persistant drought
in my part of the world, (Over 15 years) which is south west Queensland, Australia.
It is a relatively remote, rural district which is made up of huge cattle and sheep properties that stretch
over vast areas of usually dry grasslands and semi-desert.
My wife and I would always marvel at how well the countryside around us would respond in terms of beautiful
green grass, when it did receive that oh so rare, few days of rain.
Until recently however, the Western Downs of Queensland remained, dusty, dry and sunburnt for year after year
until farms had lost all their livestock and even the hardy kangaroos and emus could be found dying in the paddocks.
We agreed to pray for regular soaking rain that would allow the grass to stay green so that the farmers and
wildlife would be able to flourish.
Sir Timothy contacted some of his fellow scientists, engineers and ministers from the WITTS community
to agree in prayer for this to happen.
Since the prayers began in the February-March period of 2010, we have had regular soaking rain which has caused
the grass to grow lush and green.
This has continued all through the normally brutal summer season that for as long as anyone can remember, has
always burnt any grass into dry shades of brown and grey.
Everyone who has lived out here for any length of time, is astounded to see lush green grass all through summer!
Even the oldest people out here have no memory of such a thing ever happening before.
Around 90% of Queensland has been declared a disaster area in recent months because of catastrophic flooding
and destruction resulting from huge typhoons.
The area around where I live, is one of the very few that has escaped this distinction.
The countryside remains beautiful and we continue to have regular light rain that is perfect for the health
of the land.
I can not ‘prove’ that what has happened is a result of “The Prayer of Faith”, But there is plenty of strong evidence to indicate, just that. And I am humbled and awed by it all.
I would comment that no signs or wonders are likely to be enough for those who do not believe and of course
those who do not believe are those who need his signs and wonders most.
As a believer however, who has witnessed the reality of God, in that which is scientific, mathematical and
verifiable, I am awestruck that He (God) can and does, give life, to that which is virtually dead.
Your brother and Sister in Christ,
Richard and Anne Lobwein
Roma, Queensland, Australia

Received by WITTS the week of April 17, 2011…
Hello brother Timothy,
Just wanted to let you know that the QUEET, when placed on the top of my head, helps me fall asleep in about 5 minutes. I have insomnia, and this device helps me overcome that when I program it properly.
Thanks so much!!
Raul, Tracy, CA


April 20, 2011 Greetings Brother Sir Timothy and Brothers or the World Improvement Team !
You are most welcome!
Anne and I have been greatly blessed beyond the value of anything we have donated, through our relationship with WITTS.
We have experienced great peace and great hope in finding out that there are solutions to all the problems of degradation and lack that the enemy has visited on our Earth.
We have also learned that God has not abandoned us to the whims of the devil, but instead, makes his power available to those cultivate a close personal relationship with Him.
For myself, I have found it very difficult to find a spiritual home where I am comfortable with the teaching and the culture of the organization.
However, I do not feel any difficulty at all in terms of WITTS teaching and culture. I feel much more at home as part of the WITTS team, than anywhere else I have fellow-shipped.
This is something that I am enormously grateful for.
While Anne has been able to fit in with certain mainstream fellowships more readily than me, she is equally impressed with the spiritual validity and authority that exists within the WITTS community.
Re the way that the spot price of silver has been going up, it is starting to get scary. It is most unusual to have such a long bull run on any commodity, without some kind of price retracement.
Silver owners are basically not taking profits even though any of them who has owned silver for more than a year or so, would make a killing if they sold now.
$50.00 per ounce is not far away and at this rate, triple digits is possible by the end of the year.
The sentiment concerning the devaluation and potential collapse of the dollar is so strong now, that people are holding their silver as a hedge against a more or less expected economic collapse.
I don’t blame them. More people need to do the same.
God is indeed good! His plan to bring the world (Satanic) system to a close is coming to a head.
Thank you for welcoming us into partnership with WITTS so that we can be part of a community that is powerfully seeking the Kingdom of God.
Your brother and Sister in Christ
Richard and Anne Lobwein


May 6, 2011
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
The area you were asking about in Australia is the town of Roma. See Google Maps.
If you check the weather history THERE, you will see less then 3 inch of rain A YEAR for ALL RECORDED HISTORY. (Back about 100 years)

Since we took authority with the God kind of Faith,  in December a year and a half ago, It flooded the first 2 weeks because no one gave us any feedback. And then we corrected that and for 69 weeks now it has rained close to ONCE a week, every week. That is about a 3/4th inch a WEEK, for 69 weeks now!!!
Our GOD is So Good!

Feel free to research it.
Let us know if there is any mistakes, anywhere.
Gods word in Malachi is 100% true now, just like 3000 years ago when God wrote it. (God said, “Test me out on tithes and offerings, and see if I will not poor out a blessing upon you until there is no more want!” Malachi 3:8-12)
HIS offers NEVER expire! HIS guarantees never gets old!
The floods that made the news, were about 7 months ago, along the east coast of Australia. NO-WHERE NEAR ROMA.
Roma is about as far from the east coast of Australia, as Chicago, Illinois is from the east coast of USA.
We have many other experiences that have effected large areas and whole nations!
And even one experience that recently changed the whole planet for the better!
God Bless You!
Dr John and the World Improvement Team

More GOOD NEWS: Ongoing World Wide Miracle!
Everyone remembers a short while back when the nuclear Reactors in Japan started blowing up. Reports are that each one is as bad as Chernobyl, all over again.Well, about 4 days after that started, many of the people of God, and World Improvement Ministries, all got together in agreement of Faith, and took our authority together as sons of God, And commanded that radioactive materials to be NEUTRALIZED by the power of GOD! In Jesus Name!We walk in Gods Love. We believed the miracle was done! Before we seen any earthly evidence!We believe (and believed) it, because Gods Word says He has Restored our power and our authority to us, over all this earth! Adam lost it. Jesus Christ bought it back for us and restored us as His brothers and His body and sons of God! (See advanced technology teachings at www.vimeo.com/worldimprovement)And Guess what? About 3 days after we took authority, Scientists all over the earth noticed a sudden jump in the effects of another “Strange energy” coming from the Sun (they think it is coming from the Sun). They had been monitoring this “Strange” energy for about a year. But its effects suddenly Jumped up, about 1000 fold! Right after we took authority.That means the half life and full life of radioactive materials all over the earth, ARE BEING DRAMATICALLY LESSENED! Radioactive decay has sped up by a magnitude! And in some cases 2 or 3 magnitudes!That means these dangerous radiations are being neutralized at a MUCH FASTER RATE then would normally occur!Glory to God! See links below for the info that has been leaked from various “Top Secret” groups studying this phenomenon. (This Ongoing Miracle of our Great God!)To our Great God goes all the Praise And Glory for this Great Miracle! (Ongoing! In Progress!) It has changed, And is changing this world, for the better!

Received week of 5-16-2011
Hello Sir Timothy,

I had a consultation with you this morning about Silver &Gold .  I appreciate the ideas presented.  I will probably have to stick with XXXX for now since I am now driving over the road.  I think all these ideas should still work good even when G&S start to skyrocket. People seem to have even less good judgment when frenzied.  Should be interesting.

I did not mean to sound offensive when talking about WITTS building spaceships. I have listened to as many interviews as I could find on the internet, that you have given over the years.  Every one of them was profound. The most “OUT THERE” show on AM radio is Coast to Coast with George Noori.  I have spent many hours listening to C2C, but I have to tell you the truth.  What you have talked about in your interviews, and what you guys talk about every week on the program, is far beyond C2C content, and for that matter, most peoples ability to imagine.
I believe that your weekly program is the best method, by far, to bring to light all the profound topics that the rest of us need to know.  I have no doubt that you will eventually get a very large following. That is, if you are not shut down beforehand.  Tell me, where can I go to hear anything else that is like this?  When I listen to C2C today, it’s almost boring.
I am certain that anyone who has listened to a half a dozen or more of your programs would say the same thing.
Anyway that is my honest opinion. You guys don’t need to be patronized,  and that is not my purpose here.
One last thing.  I think that you guys are missing an opportunity on Youtube.  You need to put a teaser trailer video on your channel.  You know, like they do on TV. Take a bunch of “really short” video snippets from some of your weekly programs.    Just really short, quick snapshots and short interesting video with audio.   Confine the teaser to the technical. You definitely want to include a short snippet of “Skinny Bob” the alien.
At the end of the trailer, you put some text explaining that the purpose of the weekly program is to explain the technology behind the videos on your channel (very rarely does anyone ever attempt to explain their youtube videos in detail). The text might also explain that the weekly program will also cover topics like various NASA videos, aliens, and whatever else you might think will grab them.  Be sure to put in the text that there is a “link” below in the “description area” of the teaser video that they can click on that will automatically take them to VIMEO or JUSTIN.
Anyway, just a thought.  You guys invest a lot of time and energy into the weekly programs so you might as well take advantage of Youtube and advertise there.
I hope that something here was helpful.
Bill B. – FL

(Received week of 5-18-2011)
To Sir T and all the family of God,

Thanks for your efforts in expanding my knowledge, and making this information available to me.  Although being an electrician, only heard o f Tesla recently.
Silver prophecies also on my mind. 
Great work in expanding the kingdom.I feel as though I just woke up.
Thanks again…will be waiting and watching,
Your friend,
Peter Canavan

(Received week of 5-18-2011)
Hi Brothers,

Here (attached) is a testimony about God healing (fixing) my brother’s truck by a miracle.

My brother just called me to help with his broken truck.
I went there with tools and decided to pray for it like WITTS Ministry teaches, and that we ought to do, as children of God.
I prayed, and then I believed it was done, fixed, healed In Jesus name, and it started right up!
He was a little dumbfounded.
Glory to God!
That felt so good!
Randy Urban
I did do a little teaching and witnessing too!
(attached message next:)
So, we have this dog.  Her name is Bella.  Bella likes to go outside a lot.  I have to let her outside by opening the doors.  The trouble is that I also have to get up to open the doors to let her back in.  I can leave the doors with latches open In the warm weather, but the screen door has to keep shut because of bugs.  So the only door that I still have to get up to open for her is the screen door.  So I decided I am going to show this dog how to open the door herself so that I can stop acting like the well trained human every time the dog needs to get back in.
I stapled a rag hanging down to the outside of the screen door.  Step by step, starting with showing her the rag, enticing her to bite the rag, enticing her to pull on the rag and finally enticing her to pull on the rag hard enough that the screen door opens and she walks through to the inside, I trained her to open the door for herself.
Well, in a short time, she finally gets it down.  She knows how to open the door by herself.  I gave her permission, I encouraged her to do so, and I let her know that I am pleased by her doing so.  I have granted to her authority over the screen door.
Despite the fact that she knows all this to be true, I have failed to overcome one obstacle:  The door has trained her to believe that it has authority over her.
The result?  She comes up to the screen door, squeeks and whines until she reaches the tipping point of desperation, then she finds the courage to contradict the door’s “age-old” authority over her, “breaks the rules” of her belief, and once again, exercises authority over the door.
Pan over to the phone call from my office last night.  The clock obligingly displays the time 11:00 as my phone suddenly comes to life. I answer the incoming call.  My brother is on the other end of the line asking me for help with his sick truck.  “It won’t start” he says.  “I changed the starter solenoid and still nothing.”  We talked about it while I looked online at wiring schematics and made suggestions, but it felt like it was not enough.  So, though it was late and I had lots to do, I figured he needed to get this done more than I needed to get my own stuff done.  I got up to go to him about 5 minutes drive away.  I rounded-up some tools and jumped into my car.
When I got there it was the typical guy scene with the pick-up truck next to the garage in the back yard on a summer night and a work light illuminating the area under the open hood.  I pulled-out my tools, took a look, tried jumping the power terminals, though he tried the same before I got there, and with a spark and flash the starter kicked.  So I mentally go though the time commitment of troubleshooting the problem.  Then is occurs to me, “This is going to take too much time.”   “I am just going to exercise my God given authority over the problem instead.”  So I sit in the driver’s seat, push in the clutch, put my hand on the ignition switch, order it to be in order and working properly, trusting and almost seeing that God is transforming the inners of the switch under my hand, and I turn the key.  The truck starts immediately.  I try it again and it starts again with no sign of any trouble what so ever.  At this point I may have been suffering from a big silly smile.  I get out and my half stunned brother, who I forever longed to convince that Jesus is the only the way and it is all real, gets into the truck and starts it three more times.  He gets out with no words available to fill the void, so I do my best to tell him that it is all real.  Yes, while the world is darker than we know, God’s power outshines all of the darkness.
I called him today to check on the truck.  He said it is working fine.  No problems.  And he adds, “That’s got me thinkin’”
Now, back to my dog, Bella.  I think that the triangle between Bella, me and the door and this idea of authority is a pretty good example of the triangle between me (or any of us), God, and the world and some real authority.  Just as Bella’s biggest challenge to mastering her environment is belief, our biggest challenge to mastering our environment is our belief, or faith.  Yet Jesus tells us over and over that these things that he does we shall do also if we have faith.  I think what faith means is suspending what we “know” an filling that void with what God knows.  And, what God knows can be found in his word.
One thing that I did not mention is that before I went to my brother, I was getting charged-up.  While I was working at my desk, I was listening closely what Dr T was teaching on the new species of man.  I listened to the Vimeo recordings of these teachings.  I was really getting built-up in my spirit while listening and writing down key points.  I think I listened to about 4 shows.  I was surprised how condensed the lessons are.  Even in each lesson, there is a ton of good stuff there and in needs to be heard a number of times before one can really gather and get the deeper sense of what is taught.  This building of my spirit is what got me to a place where I could have enough faith to fix a truck by ordering it.

 Received week of 8-12-2011
From: Lydia McLaughlin
Hi Sir Timothy- I just wanted to say thank you for listening to me today.
I’m not sure how I found you guys but I know it was the hand of the Lord. When I became a Christian 2 years ago and waiting to get baptized- God had started to show me the truth of some things- and it was a gradual awakening (because I did ask to be shown the truth)
I was so overwhelmed with everything and when I tried to tell people about it – they would not listen, sometimes they would agree with some things and other times I could tell that they would talk behind my back and I started to shut down- I would not say anything anymore and keep info to myself-
It got to a point where I felt hopeless and did not know where to go and I got so fearful that I wondered if I was saved because it says in His Word- I did not give you a spirit of fear but of sound mind- so I am just so confused, please pray for me. There are other things going on and God knows what it is that I need prayer for.
I thank God I found you guys! I felt so helpless before and I think God wanted me to find you guys. Now I dont feel so distraught.
Thanks to you, and I give thanks to God!
WITTS REPLY: That Spirit of Love and That Spirit of Power And The Holy Spirit of a Sound Mind, Does not Just happen because you are saved.
Just like healing, and everything else that God offers, It must be taken by FAITH.
BE Determined IT IS YOURS!
Grab a hold! Dont let go of the things of God! Not for ANYTHING!
I KNOW THEY ARE MINE Because GOD says so, in HIS WORD!
I have The Spirit Of Power!
I have The Spirit of Love!
I believe YOUR WORD!
When you are tempted to think or feel, with fear or worry, or irrationally, RESIST IT! With the power of GOD! Say Fear, I rebuke you! Now GO!
Gods word says, “Resist The Devil and he will FLEE from YOU!”
Received Week of 9/22/2011

Hello brothers at WITTS,

Another testimony, my little 8 year old came into my bed 2 mornings ago, crying, that her neck hurt badly while trying to turn it one way. At first i thought “what can I give her for it”. Then it dawned on me. I am a man of faith and should seek God (Yahweh) 1ST, for healing what appeared to be a kinked neck. So I commanded the pain to go away and her neck to be completely healed and after thoroughly commanding 4 or so times in Yahshua’s name!
Almost Instantly, She was completely healed of the pain! It has never returned again!

Praise God!!!


I am so amazed and grateful!


It’s hard for me to wrap my head around all of these miracles.


I also want you to know that before i met you at WITTS i was already more than tithing, there are so many needs out there. And i have not stopped giving and am including you as tops in importance for giving to a cause.


Another miracle is that even though i am giving more than ever before and have huge bills Yahweh keeps meeting the needs.


Praise Yahweh in Yahshua’s name!!!


Love you at WITTS!!!
Tom Linebaugh


Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service
Fax: 817-977-8892
P. O. Box 2045

From: Ps. Ron Chinnery
To: ‘Witts Ministries2014’
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 3:01 PM
Subject: you may post this, if so desired

Sir Timothy,
Have you considered posting a testimony on your website about our victory, in JESUS’ name, over Hurricane Irene?
As I remember it (and through my cell phone texting records) I contacted you at 2:46pm (East coast time) on Aug. 26th, saying we should “get some brothers together to TAKE AUTHORITY over hurricane Irene in JESUS’ name!!”.  You replied back that you and some other brothers had already done so, also thanking me for my agreement.
All I DO know, is that GOD’s POWER, THROUGH JESUS’ NAME – is FAR more powerful than ANY storm!
Because we called out in FAITH, BELIEVING that what we asked for in His name would be done, IT HAPPENED!
That storm almost immediately began to weaken, and (quoting the WIKI page on Irene)
“Early on August 27, Irene further weakened to a Category 1 hurricane as it approached the Outer Banks of North Carolina.”
The quote continues:
“At 7:30 am EDT (11:30 UTC) the same day, Irene made landfall near Cape Lookout, on North Carolina’s Outer Banks, with winds of 85 mph (140 km/h). After having tracked over land for about 10 hours, the eye of Irene became cloud-filled, although the center remained well-defined on radar images. Later on August 27, Irene re-emerged into the Atlantic near the southern end of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. Shortly before sunrise, at about 09:35 UTC on August 28, Irene made a second landfall at the Little Egg Inlet on the New Jersey shore with winds of 75 mph, and soon after moved over water again. Hours later, Irene weakened to a tropical storm with winds of 65 mph (100 km/h) near New York City.
Following its August 28, New York landfall, Irene moved northeast over New England, becoming post-tropical over the state of Maine at 11:00 pm EDT (03:00 UTC August 29). The extratropical cyclone continued northward into eastern Quebec, Canada, then crossed the St. Lawrence River into Labrador before emerging into the Labrador Sea, late on August 29.”
For those that don’t remember… here are just a small sample of the headlines as Irene was heading towards the US Eastern coastline:
NYTimes: With Hurricane Irene Near, 370,000 in New York City Get Evacuation Order
New York officials on Saturday urged residents in evacuation areas to leave immediately as Hurricane Irene started to pummel the North Carolina coast.
Fox News (myFox)Hurricane Irene: Evacuation Information
Mandatory Evacuation for NYC Zone A
ABCnews.comHurricane Irene: Lights to Go Dark on Broadway, NY Subways; Bodybag Order in NC
“As officials in North Carolina reportedly ordered more bodybags for locals refusing to leave what may be Hurricane Irene’s first U.S. landfall zone, the menace has managed what nothing else has been able to do further north — shut down the city that never sleeps.”
ABCnews.comHurricane Irene: Could Be Category 4 By Thursday
Hurricane Irene’s fury is growing and the National Hurricane Center warned today that the storm could be upgraded from its current level of Category 3 to a more ominous Category 4 by Thursday.
(BTW… it never reached Category 4, and by landfall it was reduced to a Category 1 Hurricane – which was AFTER we have taken authority over it!)
(man!… I get so pumped-up when I remember these events!!)
In His service,
Ron Chinnery

Ps. Ron Chinnery
Dir. of Media Ministries
Sheffield Family Life Center
5700 Winner Road
Kansas City, MO 64127
ph (816) 241-4831
fax (816) 241-9521


From: Tom Linebaugh
To: Witts Ministries2014
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:53 PM

Greetings to my Awesome brothers in Jesus at WITTS,
I have sent you Sir T 3 books 2 Visions Beyond The Veil and 1 Mega Shift a must read! For people like you and I.

Thanks to your wakening me to the power and authority in Jesus name many more people are being blessed and healed.
I have been commanding healing in people and they are being healed and delivered from years of pain and injury. One lady said she definitely wanted prayer for various things. As Yahweh started healing her miss healed back, from a car crash, leaving her partially crippled. She literally freaked out. 
You see as I was commanding healing on her back that area started tingling intensely and my wife who was on the other side touching her shoulder felt an intense vibration in her back as well.  
That healing vibration freaked her out so bad she hopped out of her seat eyes bulging and I hope she got a complete healing. You see she was expecting the ritual of prayer without the power, but when the power In Jesus name and to his glory came it scared her and was a bit more than she was prepared for.
My wife and I saw and felt the power as she left our touch we smiled as we looked at each other in awesome wonder and grateful amazement after having witnessed such majesty from his majesty the Almighty. 
Another man who we know was abused in the military. He was given a huge heavy pack and made to jump out of moving vehicles causing him great repeated bodily injury. He had bad injuries causing him crippling pain and a need for disability. I spent about 20 to 30 minutes commanding healing and pain relief as well as freedom from depression and the joy and presence of God . He claimed 100% pain relief. And my wife and I saw a real smile on his face the likes of which we have not seen for ever. He is my wife’s cousin.
More miracles and healing. No time for all the details.
I want to go on your show and want to be included as a trusted one with you at WITTS. I long to be a part of your group. My net connections are not so good and I have a hard time finding time for much lately. Be patient with me.
I have also been seeing answered prayer for rain across Texas and I prayed for rain intensely until it came with a good soaking Praise God in Jesus Christ! God did not tell me not to pray for rain so I have been commanding it and seeing it.
Use these testimonies on the show. 
You have awakened me. And things cannot and will not be the dreary same, ever again! praise God!
I need to go home and go on your show with my Big 10 colier pulse motor and other great stuff to share.
I love you guys,     
Tom Linebaugh
Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service
Temple, TX 76503
received 10-25-2011:
Hello again!
Wow ! I’ve been watching the teachings from #1 and up to 12 and the last 4 or so …. I feel Awakened to it all now , I’m definitely going to work on watching the rest of them .
I was raised a Christian but fell away for years , and now I’m realizing that Gods power is here for us today ! Not just back in the bible times . I thought that for along time . So far I’ve taken authority over my Chevy alternator , that was making a horrible noise for two days , now it just kicks in and works 🙂 I put over 2000km on it and I’m going to see how far it will take me ,  another weird thing happened , I work in the oil field and there’s a lot of h2s, well it was blowing right at me , I was alone , I took authority over it and commanded the wind to blow to the north instead of to south which is where I was standing , And it DID , so yea , Praise God !! , I’m going to keep asking God to demonstrate his power through me . And try to really change my life for good .
Since I’ve gotten the 40kw plans I’ve been constantly thinking about building it , but I’m a slave in the oil industry and can’t get to the machine shop , I’m also praying that God will reveal a new job for me , so that I can get started on free energy devices and teaching my children what I know about God a lot more , I have two young girls and a wife who are extremely receptive to what God has to say, so I’m not going to waist that . Like I have been .
Thank you for your time and your wisdom
God Bless You !
Justin Hill and Family

From: John Basden
To: Witts Ministries2014

Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 7:06 PM
Hey Guys ! ! !
Score at least 2 for the good guys and maybe 4!
God and I took out 2 chem trails by HIS power! And believe for the last 2, I was driving away and believe they where gone couldn’t see them in the rear view mirror.
Life is great and God is so much more ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


From: Kyle Smith
To: Witts Ministries2014
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 8:20 PM

Dear World Improvement Ministries, my Fellow Brethren in Christ,

  I can’t tell you how THANKFUL I AM to have come across your website. I’m a fellow brother in Christ and I fully believe the Lord lead me to you! Ever since God brought me to your website and showed me your teachings on taking authority over sickness, unclean spirits, and just the general authority we have back that God originally gave Adam prior to sinning. Your SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS on the authority we have been given (by being reconciled back again with God, Romans 5:10) over all things in the world (Luke 10:19) have opened my eyes to the real will of God. His will being, that we are a healthy, faithful, Loving, shinning light to the world, which is all available to us everyday, if we just believe it is!
 My entire life I have seen faith work in smaller increments since I grew up with a family that was faith driven. However, since re-analyzing the word, reading, and applying the words of the Bible without any pre-conceived notions or society driven dispositions. I was able to listen to the Holy Ghost through your teachings and now I have seen more miracles within the last (4) months than my entire life prior. Prior to your teachings I always prayed for God’s will to be done when up against sickness or tribulations. I never understood it’s God’s will that we be healed and be a blessed people!
 Your teachings through The Word of God, show clearly that if we are in Christ, and charged up with God, and we believe that we are healed, then we are healed. One of the reasons we are sickly is because we have been told by our society and those who surround us that we will get sick. However, you have shown me with your teachings (using the bible as your baseline) nothing could be further from the truth. The mindset of sickness, disease, or even a negative attitude is from the dark-side, as the scripture says in Mark 9:23(paraphrasing) With God all things are possible to those who believe in him. From listening to your teachings on the word, I realized that we are in control from power/authority bestowed upon us from God with his Holy Ghost. There are MANY, MANY other scriptures I could quote that say essentially “to those who believe and walk in Christ, any Godly thing is available to them”. Since taking on this transforming and enlightening mindset I have been able to prove it out and watch/experience God increase my faith!
  Since taking on this authoritative mindset by the Holy spirit I have commanded in the name of Jesus, sickness’s to leave my children, wife, and myself. For example, my child had projectile vomit twice within about a half hour. The holy spirit told me to go and rebuke the sickness and send it away. I prayed in the name of Jesus that the sickness leave my child and that we aren’t under sickness and that by God’s word whatsoever we ask if we believe it, God shall grant it to us. After my prayer was over my daughter didn’t vomit anymore and was immediately healed of the vomiting. My children have always had a hard time teething so it’s not new that she would vomit while teething. Two days later nearly the exact same thing happened again. Projectile vomit, then prayer taking authority over the sickness and telling it to go since we aren’t going to accept sickness in our lives as we are the seed of Adam who have been reconciled with God and healed by the blood of Christ, again the sickness left immediately!
 I believe God is using situations like this next one to help me increase in faith by building my spiritual muscles. I was at a drive up window, when I felt, out of nowhere, a wasp crawling up my leg. At that moment, I told that wasp in the name of the holy ghost it couldn’t hurt me. I grabbed my food and sat it in the passenger seat. I looked down to see where the wasp was and it completely dis-appeared. I pulled forward so the next car could pull up and then I got out of my car to look for the wasp. IT WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND… PRAISE GOD!!!
 Here’s another, as I was barbecuing dinner one night I noticed a bee was nearly dead on the right side of the barbecue, about a foot away. As I would walk inside and back out again I noticed the bee move less and less. I couldn’t help but feel very bad for the bee. The Holy spirit told me to take authority over that bee and tell it to be restored and fly away in the name of Jesus Christ. SO I DID. I know this sounds foolish to tell a nearly dead insect to be healed but God works in mysterious ways sometimes. So after I commanded the bee to fly away it didn’t in fact it seemed to get worse. I thought to myself well maybe I need to help it on it legs. So after trying to put the bee on its legs for about 5-10 mins it would just roll back onto it’s back as if it wasn’t string enough to even stand on it’s feet. I still believe that God would give the bee strength and so I just continued on with my cooking duties. I passed the bee about another 5 times. I was removing some of my meat from the BBQ and it was seemingly even more lifeless than the previous 25 minutes. I came back out side about 5 seconds after seeing the bee lifeless and it WAS GONE!!! IT FLEW AWAY JUST AS I COMMANDED IT TO. Keep in mind when I say “I commanded” that just means I believe that the spirit lead me to take authority and so therefore I spoke the words. God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost that resides in me is where the power comes from, NOT FROM ME. ALL GLORY is GODS, not mine…
 In the last 4 months I have seen over 9 miraculous healing’s by taking authority over them,. Believing that when I do, God would grant unto me my petition, just as he promised in the scriptures.
  I thank you WITTS for listening to the spirit when it lead you to this way of life, as I now see first hand that God always intended for his children to have this understanding. It seems to me that God was always trying to show me his blessings but I wasn’t able to hear or see the way God was moving, because I didn’t spend enough time on my spiritual relationship with God. Which leads me to a teaching, I heard from Sir Timothy, that we should feed our spiritual man as much, or more as our carnal man daily so we can stay healthy and grow not only in the flesh but also in the spirit! I applied that to my life, June 1st of this year and I have been diligent with following it daily. I can honestly say that I have experience an increase of over 25x in the strength of my relationship with Jesus and God!
 I thank you for all your hard work in putting together a weekly show that has taught and edified me to this very day! I look forward to our future fellowship and I remember you in my prayers to God! Your teachings and advancements in technology through the word of God, Truly do change lives, to those who are willing to prove them out!
 Kyle Smith

received 12-1-2011:
Hello brothers at World Improvement Ministries!
I am continuing on the lessons.
Thanks again and hope to catch up with you guys in a while, it has been about 3 weeks to learn up until here so it might take a couple of months to get current.
Hope I can help others by then.
I know it is helping me to be with God every day, when I wake up. Everything is clearer now and thousands of questions have been answered.
Like I said when I was only 12 we went to Sunday school but starting then (till now) nothing made sense.
Now the puzzle is a wonderful picture and God tells me what is next! Plus HE is like a companion that you can talk to all day, and He helps make everything smoother and clearer!
Garth Kilford

Received 12-2-2011:
Hello everyone at WITTS 🙂
Amazing stuff, I’ve been watching the show live for weeks now. I can’t get enough. Ive been asking questions and Sir T gives awesome answers. WITTS feeds my soul. My local church doesn’t do that for me. I recently became a covenant partner!! Yesterday actually, I’m looking forward to it.
My Justin.tv name is SkyzaLimit as you may or may not already know.
And I spend my week thinking up questions for Sir T that I’ve been looking for answers for my whole life 🙂
He’s answered more in 4 weeks then I’ve learned in years! haha , I love it.  I was raised a Christian and I fell off the wagon for quite a few years, about 12.  I was mad at God for various reasons but it was because I didn’t understand properly.  Sir T has a way of explaining the Bible so that anyone can understand clearly,even if you’ve read it 100 times.It did not make sense before, but it all makes perfect sense now.
I’m right into freedom and the end Of the world stuff and free energy and family! All the good things in life.
I’ve been listening to a lot of Alex Jones stuff and I’m not convinced he’s on the right path, I like how he exposes the NWO and there evil, but I’ve noticed that he doesn’t really offer any solutions, which is why WITTS has become my new favorite website of All Time! : )
I’m wondering did info-wars ever contact you with an advertising package ?  I’ve sent them 4 emails now recommending WITTS all with no response.
The whole God created ETs and some of them are helping us, thing, really gets me excited. I’ve never heard a preacher/teacher talk about ETs as part of Gods creation, they have all been demonized. I’m really looking forward to next weeks broadcast.
I’m slowly working on building a 40kw conduit, I’m not an engineer or a machinist though, but luckily I’ve found a Christian man who is a machinist. He is installing his new plasma cutter now and I hope to start cutting steel soon. Hopefully before the financial collapse.
Anyways, in the future I will be making some prayer requests. There are a few areas in my life that need work.
Thank you or everything you do for Gods people .
God Bless You All!
Justin Hill – SkyzaLimit

Received 12-8-2011
From: Jacqueline Abquilan
To: Witts Ministries2014
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2011 10:50 AM
To the World Improvement Team,
Thank you WITTS for helping us me and to my grandmother,
My grandmother Rina is already 87 years old and she had high-blood pressure and UTI. she had maintained medicine for almost 5 years and later on we stop it because of lack of source of income, mean we don’t have money to buy for her medicine everyday. Sir Timothy Thrapp and World Improvement Ministries group help us praying and teach me divine healing and teach me study God word.
Grandmother healed now from high-blood pressure and UTI by the power of GOD. Her blood-pressure is normal now. and no more maintained medicine.
Thank you so much WITTS ministries especial to Sir Timothy Thrapp.
Your Little Sister in Jesus,
Jacqueline Abquilan
From: Leni Tuazon in Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Week of 12-8-2011
How World Improvement Ministry Help Me and My Grandfather
With all the suffering and turmoil in this world, retaining joy in our lives is paramount. Joy can help give hope and peace in your life even when the entire world seems to be crumbling around you. It is this type of joy we seek after and can be found by following some simple advice from the Scriptures. No matter what age we are, we will always be considered by God as His children. God is sovereign in the heavens, the earth, and all of creation, and we are a part of His creation. It is God through God whom we trust who provides for our needs, just as a child looks to one’s parents for his or her needs.
This is some of the part that World Improvement Ministry has taught me…. Before I met them, my life is full of dark. I have many problems, I ask God why this happen to us. Our house has been destroy by fire, our money and things is gone. My grandfather suffer stroke, my grandmother died because of what happen to us. I cannot work, I cannot think, I always cry. But one day, I was looking for an online job so we can have an income. I found Witts Ministry. They helped me find work, but before that I told them my problems…
It’s an answer prayer, I know God gave Witts Ministry to us to help me to get out of dark side of the world.. Sir Timothy and Witts Ministry became his instrument to enlightened my mind and my heart on how God is good, how God is great, how God loves me so much. Witts Ministry taught so many things about God. I became to know God because of them. They open my heart.
Thank you Witts Ministry for helping me in my healing process. A great deal of stress has melted away from my consciousness. The wonder of life has entered my Soul again! Your healing work is powerful and life-changing. Even is a clear channel to the spirit world. I would highly recommend Witts Ministry to anyone on the path of self-awareness. The world needs more true healers. I feel so blessed because I got to work with one.
Witts Ministry help not only me, they also teach me on how to help my grandfather to be healed. My grandfather has stroke.. He could not talk, he could not walk, his hands could not move… He could not move at all…
I knew my grandfather would die if we did not receive help. I did not have money to bring him to the hospital, but Witts Ministry taught me divine healing.
This healing, granted to faith, has been the source of rich spiritual blessing to me. I have clearly seen that the Church possesses in Jesus, our Divine Healer, and an inestimable treasure, which she does not yet know how to appreciate or how to appropriate.
I have been convinced anew of that which the Word of God teaches us in this matter, and of what the Lord expects of us; and I am sure that if Christians learned to realize practically the presence of the Lord that heal, their spiritual life would thereby be developed and sanctified. This was taught by Witts Ministry to me.. I did divine healing to my grandfather.
Right now, my grandfather is recovering. He is walking slowly. My grandfather is slowly talking. My grandfather is moving, my grandfather can move his hands. Witts Ministry loves my grandfather so much. Without medical science, my grandfather is healing and that’s an intervention done by God which taught by Witts Ministry to me.
I thank God because HE send Witts Ministry to us. I know HE do this because He loves us so much. He send his instrument via Witts Ministry to teach us Divine healing. Thanks Witts Ministry. Thank you so much for healing my grandfather, thank you so much for opening my eyes because God loves us so much. Thank you so much because you teach me divine healing. Thank you so much for getting me out in dark side. Witts Ministry thank you so much for helping in everything and continue helping us with our needs. Thank you so much for helping us not to live in evacuation center already, or on the streets as we did for many weeks. You help us to find an apartment. You provide us in our needs.
Leni Tuazon and Grandpa (Pedro Tuazon)
 Hello Witts team.
Not sure how to start, but this is a testimonial on chemtrails.
I live around the Kansas city, Missouri metro area and lately there has been alot of chemtrails. I have been trying to take athority over them with really no luck. But as of today the good guys were victorious and through the power of God 2 chemtrails bit the dust and possibly 2 more but not totaly sure as I was driving away but no longer seen them in my rearview mirror so I believe they were also defeated by the awesome power of God ! ! ! !
 John Basden
Hi Dale,

please go to www.witts.ws this is the website where you will find some info on the light and WITTS. Technologies and history.
The results have been amazing with all that I have given this light too.
A lady who bought her own light returned one light (my only one currently left) to me last night.
Please come by an pick it up asap, I will lend it to you for your healing process but ask of you after your successful use with it to get one from WITTS as I believe every house hold should have one, especially for your child and any aches and pains you have from your tree work!! It is probably one of the greatest investments you could make for the world we are currently living in….
You can e-mail the brothers at WITTS, I have ccéd them on this mail.
Please mention my name and advise what is happening. They are very responsive and will advise for you exactly the best way of using the light for your current weakness in your physical body. They are spiritual scientists and amazing healers!
You will need to go to Mountain Lumbar and pick up a cord to screw light in, the normal ones they use on construction sites, also here I have given away what I had! It is a small item easily found. I like teh bron ones as the switch is by teh light and easy then to hold, use and switch on and off.
I have someone here from 8 am to 12 and then from 2;30 pm to 6 pm so any time you want to pick up light it will be here for you!!
Love and Light Dale
Grandfather tree awaits you as do do many others who need your tender touch once you have healed!!

Fresh Source, Inc.


More people are being healed! We serve an awesome God (YHWH)!
Little time, but 3 people healed 2 of pain and 1 was made completely whole I believe.
The 1 made whole had a left arm he could not raise since 1965 thats 47 years. He and I felt his bones? popping into place as Yahweh healed him by the power of Yahshua’s name.
1 His left arm was healed
2 His right rotator cuff was healed right arm
3 His hernia was healed
4 His back was healed
5 He could us the restroom like he had not been able for months,
6 I commanded him to be made whole in Yahshua’s name and for a continued healing anointing to continue to make him whole and the next day he could still feel YHWH’S anointing and glory healing him. Praise Yahweh in Yahshua the Messiah!!!!!!!!!!
I saw clouds while we were working at 1,500 feet go down 7 or so times as I focused and commanded them to diffuse and for the energy to disorganize and disperse until each threat was gone. And then I saw what looked like an angel? Looking at me? That was not expected and was after the last thunderhead was flattened out. All in the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. HALLELUYAH!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME STUFF!
Thanks for sharing and awakening me to the power of our awesome God Yahweh of Hosts!
I love you at WITTS!
Tom Linebaugh
Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service


OK, ….God have it,….. i have now jumped out of my skin. The chills keep running through my bones as i so impatiently peruse through these video demo’s. My inner being is jumping up and down…….. as if to celebrate Gods wonderful life’s journey for me. “It’s time”, he says ……..to come home to your purpose.

 Now,….what the heck am I babbling about? Well, ……It’s like this. As a very small child i told my parents that i was going to be an inventor. Even though my life was detoured by the dark side,….leading me far from my path,…..i still kept the destination in my heart.

 My every being is subject to the need and desire to assist and give to the cause of unity, peace and so on. As we grow up we become disenchanted with what seems out of balance, not fair or correct, morally wrong etc. I have been involved in a number of ministries and organizations at many levels which has taken me through my giving periods of life, from my time,….. to the money that God has entrusted in me as his stewart. From acting on stage to technical aspects of his wonderful productions. I have dabbled in many of my own theories and creations within the limitations of the funds available to me which has been entertaining at best.

 I have had dreams of many cool devices that would allow the beings on this great Earth we reside on to be free of technical and moral oppressions. Now all this may sound just a little off the hook but i am letting it all go as of today. I truly believe that the almighty has brought me home,  ……this comment is in direct relation to what he has designed me for,…….to find like minded people who are beyond the greed and stench of what makes this world we live in so painful to live in. 

Of course I am ready to donate,…. I have little funds as compared to folks like you but am willing to become a monthly giver for the cause. A real dream for me would be to work at Gods factory as you have described. Who knows,…..it could happen. 

I live in Colfax, ca. and work as a maintenance person, I take care of two foster children and some grandchildren as well. With all my experiences in life i am still missing the grand finally. To participate in this endeavor is the ultimate. Yes ,….of course i do want to build a free energy device for my car or home. I have built many things that dazzled my friends. I have purchased  a number of plans like “The Johnson Motor”,….made my own fuel,……studied hydrogen fuel cells etc. …..but to be a part of something as you all describe is the end game for me. Its where God wished for me to be from the beginning,…..WOW……….. is that enough for you to hear from an email.

Email me back and direct me accordingly,….pray about,…..let GOD tell YOU where to direct me, please?
Brother Greg Brewer
Thank you all for changing the world,
PS. I know this quest of our has its dangers,….i have also interviewed people in my writing career that were fearful of exposing themselves and their inventions to the public.  I once wrote on controversial subject matter that made people nervous. One of them involved the manipulation of liquid mercury, I have sat down an had dinner with folks like David Sereda who facinated others with unique technologies.I’ll wait for you right here!!!


Sir T,
We love you and are praying for you!
Also just wanted you to know yesterday on my way home from Florida jobs I met a homeless man at the Loves truck stop.
His name is Hillborn nickname Wind. God healed his right arm and shoulder gradually! It took me commanding about 8X in Yahshua the Messiah’s name or so to get his full movement back in his right arm and shoulder and get rid of his body ache. The arm was very stubborn. Like a dog that will not leave, but if we continue until he leaves we have won! Praise God for giving such power to men!!!!!!!!!!
Then he mentioned he had medication for seizures so I commanded healing into his brain and he was relaxed until I command the demons to leave and then his eyes went big and blank and then he uncontrollably tensed up and I believe that he was delivered.   

Also an engineer that I did work for was healed. Steve had numbness in his right thumb and 2 adjacent fingers. I commanded healing into his hand, neck and fingers in Yahshua’s name, then his fingers tingled as if asleep and his feeling returned after several commands for 100% healing. The doctors wanted to do surgery. Praise God Almighty (Yahweh is his name in Yahshua’s name) Jesus the Christ.

Thank You for sharing the power of God with us your servants!
God Bless! and Heal You!
Tom Linebaugh
Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service


received week of 5/29/12
Greetings my awesome brothers at WITTS,
May Yahweh God Almighty continue to Bless You!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your mentoring.
I was and am called to preach and give witness to the miracles Yahweh has been doing this Pentecost and had a tough time making time for anything else.
I have more testimonies, but little time and lots to share with you.
Thanks for making truth available to us! It is true that truth is stranger than fiction…
I Praise Yahweh God Almighty in Yahshua the Messiah Jesus The Christ for all you have shared and you are no doubt a group of people that are just like me in every area from my interests in the service of Yahweh God Almighty to free energy propagation. Both are subjects that I have studied and am in process of mastering.
Thanks again for sharing and awakening me! I have yet to be fully awakened to a running free energy machine, although I really may have already accomplished that, time will tell…
Tom Linebaugh
Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service


P. O. Box 2045
Temple, TX 76503


From: Samy Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 6:00 PM
  • It is only through separation from the crowd that we can commune with God and receive much from Him. After using a battery it needs to be separated from action and get charged.It is the rotation of winded wires in between positive and negative magnet that produces electricity; it is the power of sunlight that shines on silicon sand cells connected to ribbons that produces solar electricity. To be powerful as a believer in Christ, please spend time on the Word of God, commune with God in meditation, and profess and confess the word and you will see the power of God in your life.
  • WE ARE MAGNETS OF God’s glory, power, love, peace, abundance upon the earth. Without us, these cannot come upon the earth. Truly, the key to attract God to you and receive greatly from Him is to love Him deeply and be attached to Him always. Let me explain it using a magnet. If you have a magnet that is weak or small and you want to charge, all you will need is to rub the weaker or small magnet to a powerful and bigger magnet. Similarly, if we want to be strong and do exploits in life we need to constantly rub ourselves to God in reading His word, praying, meditating and constant fasting. This revelation came to me whilst listening to Sir Timothy of WITTS Ministries.
  • Electricity is not something that can be seen, yet its manifestations are real.  Similarly, though we cannot see God, His works are clear before us.
  • Love is stronger than death. That is why we cannot forget our departed ones.

Received 7/23/12 from brother Tom Linebaugh –

Dear awesome brothers at World Improvement Ministries.
We are seeing rain in Cisco TX. again this morning after commanding the rain to come again. Some are saying these weather patterns are strange in the dry place of Cisco, TX. The reason for these strange weather patterns is we are given authority In Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah’s name… Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!
We are also seeing a variety of people healed of all sorts of ailments in Yahshua’s name… Halleluyah!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot thank you for your broadcast enough! Your broadcast with Man Of God (Yahweh) Sir Timothy Thrapp has been a testimony to the Power and Grace that we are all supposed to be walking in as Sons of the Most High God (Yahweh)!
I notice that any time I use capitol red letters with exclamation marks while emailing people to prove my point or to help people to come closer to the word of God. It has the opposite effect as if beating them over the head with the Bible. So I have learned to use a more peaceable approach by not using such tactics.
I have appreciated being able to watch Sir T and see that he is teaching the word of God with the Grace that is in him which speaks louder than words. In other words as time goes on and Sir T puts himself out there for all to see, the Grace that is in him becomes obvious and by his conversation he has and is winning many souls.
I notice that I have a lot in common with Sir T. I also am seeing the sick healed, rain come and go on command (in Yahshua the Messiah by faith in his name Act 3:16), and am actively seeking after the development of free energy inventions and am keenly interested in such things. No doubt sir T had great mentoring from Ron Brant and the World Improvement Team! Which mentoring would help me to come to my full potential as well.
Thanks again for making us aware and teaching us how to do the things that not only lead  to victory in our walk with The Most High, but also teaching us how to save the earth from destruction by developing clean solution for everything we do on this God given earth!
Tom Linebaugh
Tower Light Guys
Tower Strobe & Red Light Parts & Service



