The Un-Program #750 – World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries
Scientists, Engineers, and Servants to God & Humanity – “To preserve the human specie, return Earth to paradise status, and re-establish mankind’s role as planetary steward and co-creator of beauty.” See for further information. To help this cause, please consider a donation:
Riscalla : Welcome Everyone To The WITTS Wednesday Night UN-PROGRAM Advanced Technologies and Teachings.
Riscalla : Lorena, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
paul : hi...
Mary Jordan : Good Evening, Everyone! God bless you!
Lorena : Hello Sister Jordan!
guest_1679 : Moses Lake, Washington checkin’ in
Chris : Hello
Riscalla : Paul, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Riscalla : Guest 1679, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Riscalla : Chris, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Lorena : Hello Brother Riscalla!
Lorena : thank you for all you do!
Riscalla : Blessings !
Richard Moxley : Hello
Chris : How are you Riscalla
JPhab : Question for Sir T. - about DMSO last week, i bought a full strength liquid one and on the label, it says don't use on human body parts? Am i ok to use it on back shoulder pain that I've have for years?
Riscalla : Richard, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Riscalla : Doing well Chris, little on the cold side . . . .
Riscalla : JPhab, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Chris : Yes 4 today
Chris : I believe it warmed to 22 and ready to snow
Teresa : Hi
Riscalla : Tereasa, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Riscalla : Chris, just what we need right? lol
Joshua : Good evening all!
Chris : Yes got new letter email
Chris : yes
Mary Jordan : I got the newsletter at 5:40
Chris : lol
Richard Moxley : I did receive it at 6:20 pm today EST.
JPhab : I received the newsletter...
Carol E : Hi everyone
Chris : I received mine at 2:45pm
Riscalla : Carol, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Carol E : Thanks Bro Martin. We appreciate you 🙏🏼
guest_5268 : I got my news letter today.
Eddy Petch : 👋 All
Carol E : my news letter came at 3:40pm PacTime
Riscalla : Guest 5268, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Riscalla : Eddy, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Carol E : That's earlier than before! 👍🏼
Carol E : Nice commitment, Bro Martin!! I'm on day 7. My mind is much clearer!
Mary Jordan : Best to call when it's evening in the States. 6 a.m. for Dr. Thrapp is 4 p.m. CST.
Mary Jordan : Brother Martin!!! Popcorn!!!!! Hooray! Though I am back on strict Carnivore.
Riscalla : Mary, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Carol E : eating organic carnivore gets the NWO's poisons OUT!!
Ake Hedman : ❤️
Riscalla : Ake, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Carol E : Mary J, I just received my DMSO in the mail. I'm opening it now. I may not need it anymore 🙌🏼
Mary Jordan : Our friend, Shirley, is 85. Today she was cleaning her apartment like a pro!!! She's been on the new protocol for one week!
Mary Jordan : Dr. Thrapp, What translation are you using that says you will never die at all? Wow!
Carol E : You're not sure of the name of the blue tape?
Mary Jordan : Weymouth New Testament and every one who is living and is a believer in me shall never, never die. Literal Standard Version and everyone who is living and believing in Me will not die—throughout the age;
Mary Jordan : Haweis New Testament and every one who is alive, and believeth in me, shall never die to eternity.
Carol E : found it
paul : I thought about trying to make this project.
Mary Jordan : Hi, Carol. My new DMSO hasn't arrived yet, but it should be here soon.
Carol E : Mary, my DMSO is in a glass bottle and it's FROZEN SOLID! I wonder if that'll harm it and I sure hope the bottle isn't cracked 🙏🏼
Mary Jordan : Carol, I looked up some info on that. It should melt again if you keep it at room temp.
Mary Jordan : Novo Nordisk makes Ozempic!!!!!
Carol E : Mary, it says keep in cool place. lol. it's cool alright! 😄
guest_2981 : Novo Nordiac= pharmaceutical company
Mary Jordan : Carol, room temp should be all right, but keep it out of the light.
Eddy Petch : The fasting one is goid!
Carol E : I'm not sure if the blue roof tape is by 360 Tonics or ULINE
JPhab : DMSO will go solid when its below a certain degree. i think its around 66 it will be solid. Once above 70 degree i becomes liquid again... I just shake it in liquid form... You want them in glass vs plastic... plastic could possibly introduce foreign contamination
Chris : That fasting video was a spiritual uplifting. Jesus is calling
Carol E : WOW!! Awesome video on fasting!!
Lorena : Amazing video on Fasting thank you, already share it!
Richard Moxley : Thank you for the video on fasting. The partnership and access makes so much sense.
Riscalla : Richard, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
Lorena : Sir T., whenever you do your next fast, please let us know so we can also fast in agreement.
Chris : Yes God is good
paul : In evolution, what about the billions of misquotes in my back yard at any given summer evening, over billion of years... It has to be more than just the handful of humans.
Mary Jordan : The DMSO I ordered says okay to use but must be diluted. Look on the bottle or look up some instructions. There is info out there.
Mary Jordan : I bought 99.9% oure,
Carol E : I'm only 7 days on carnivore and most pain is gone but still dealing with an injury. Physical Ther probably take care of that?
Mary Jordan : But how else do we do "corporate" fasting?
Chris : Yes JESUS states clean face comb hair, shoes on feat and smile, go share gospel
Lorena : I am sorry sir T, I know you shouldnt say but i meant as a church in corporate fasting
Chris : Brother Chris
Mary Jordan : When the group was praying for Peter to be released from prison, it's days they were fasting and praying
Lorena : i gues like Esther Fasting that all the Jews fasted
Chris : Acts 13 1-3
Mary Jordan : Actually, I just checked. It does not say that they were fasting. Oops!
Mary Jordan : But Ester did fast with her handmaidens.
Chris : no no corp fasting listed
Carol E : My phone flipped out so I missed a few minutes but I'm on computer now
Lorena : When Queen Esther ask all the jews to fast so God would protect them
Riscalla : 😊😉👍
Carol E : I'll rewatch
paul : If every generation has unique changes, misquotes must also have changes... more practical for study seeing the massive volume and frequency. For every human, there is a extreme amount of insects beyond magnitudes beyond what we can phantom.
Riscalla : Call in Paul
Mary Jordan : When Esther learns of Haman’s plan to destroy the Jews, she calls for a three-day fast among the Jews in Susa. She instructs Mordecai to gather all the Jews who can be found in Susa and to fast for three days, night and day. Esther herself and her maids would also fast during this time (Esther 4:16).
Lorena : Amen yes
Chris : Amen
Lorena : we don't tell people but we in agreement know and pray together (on the same subjects)
paul : We can't down size and down size and down size something until it finally is small enough to fit a narrative. To me, that is that atheist evolution does.
Riscalla : Thank You for your Questions and Comments.
Chris : Sunday when?
Carol E : Thank you Bro Martin, Bro Riscalla, and Dr Thrapp. God bless you all. Bye everyone.
Joshua : Good teachings! Thank you all for making WITTS as enriching as it is! Have a good night and a blessed week in Jesus!
Mary Jordan : Sunday 6 p.m. CST on YouTube at Rapture 2027 Messiah's Return
Riscalla : BLESSINGS
Chris : Yes it is flashing
Carol E : Whats up with Comcast? Did they bump you?
Riscalla : Joshua, why were you hiding? lol
Chris : Thank you Mary
Carol E : Mary, I watched your show last Sunday. I just missed the live. Good stuff. Thanks
Joshua : Sorry, Riscalla! I've been in and out tonight.
Riscalla : Blessings Brother!
Mary Jordan : Looks like my last msg didn't go through. Rapture 2027 Messiah's Return on YouTube at 6 p.m. Central time
Carol E : Sunday 4pm Pacific
Mary Jordan : Thanks, Carol!
Riscalla : Thank You Everyone !
Chris : God is good, with the love of Jesus to all
Lorena : Thank you Sister Mary, I been arriving late to the lives but I had seen them thank you
Carol E : God Bless you all. May God show His grace on USA and the west
guest_1405 : I have 99% DMSO If you use it pure 99% It will burn you like a sunburn You should add 25% water to it then it will not burn
Carol E : Pray the food doesn't "run out" But Jesus multiplied a couple fish and loaves so we may need to also