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The Un-Program #753 – World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries

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Latest Message: 3 days, 14 hours ago
  • WITTS Ministries : Welcome to the Un-Program
  • Lorena : hello
  • TJ : Hello everyone
  • Riscalla : WELCOME EVERYONE to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Teachings. We are Blessed to have you here! Please remember to share with your friends and family. THANK YOU FOR JOINING !
  • Riscalla : Lorena, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Riscalla : TJ, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Eddy Petch : Brother Riscalla, coffee or tea this evening?
  • Riscalla : Iced Tea! Sweet style
  • Riscalla : Eddy, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • paul : hi...
  • Riscalla : Paul, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Ake Hedman : Good evening Y'all ❤️
  • Riscalla : Ake, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Mary Jordan : Hi, Everyone! God bless you all!
  • Riscalla : Mary, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Eddy Petch : 👋 Mary Jordan
  • Scott Miller : Hey Everyone!
  • Riscalla : Scott, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Scott Miller : Thanks, Risc!
  • Riscalla : 👍
  • Eddy Petch : In the name of Jesus, I command all marine spirits cease interfering with the broadcast of this show!
  • Riscalla : Tonight's Scriptures;
  • Riscalla : Daniel 7:25, 12:7 and Rev 13:5
  • Joshua : Good evening all!
  • brother abe : Sir T - Does the ministry still do lab visits to see stuff working? If so a quick list of the major machines that can be viewed working? Thanks
  • Riscalla : Brother Abe, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Scott Miller : I'm praising the Lord in Guyana!
  • Riscalla : Awesome!
  • Carol E : Hi Guys! I made it finally! Texting with my older brother. It's precious and rare.
  • Riscalla : And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
  • paul : I like the hair better when it is a major tangled mess. As long as it is not too long.
  • Riscalla : Carol, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Carol E : Thx Bro Riscalla
  • Riscalla : 😉
  • Scott Miller : Daniel 7:23-25 NASB1995 [23] “Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. [24] As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. [25] He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he
  • Scott Miller : Revelation 13:5 NASB1995 [5] There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.
  • Scott Miller : Revelation 13:4 NASB1995 [4] they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?”
  • Scott Miller : You never called me to re-render the countdown page as you said you would. Now my computer crashed. I can't do graphics.
  • Scott Miller : Daniel 12:7 NASB1995 [7] I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.
  • Scott Miller : Daniel 12:7 NASB1995 [7] I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.
  • Carol E : They keep destroying parts of the food chain. Getting more difficult to find eggs. No organic eggs for weeks
  • guest_2153 : John from Moses Lake, Washington checking in!
  • Riscalla : John, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Steve H : Praise God always
  • Riscalla : Steve, Welcome to the WITTS Wednesday Night Advanced Technologies Teachings It's a Blessing to have you join!
  • Steve H : What's your thoughts about the lack of biblical text regarding Christ's 15 missing years? Tibetan documents suggest long distance travels there.
  • Carol E : Bigfoot are fallen hybrids aren't they. Listen to Steve Isdahl from Vancouver Island, hunting guide all his life. . they're VERY real. There's worse too.
  • Carol E : They finally did DNA study of Bigfoot hair follicles : female-human, male-unknown. I'm sure it's more complicated than that but that's the jist of it.
  • Carol E : Most of the people that have come in "contact" with these and other cryptids can command them to go in Jesus name,.
  • Carol E : but don't invite them in cause that gives them authority to do so
  • Carol E : and they've "followed" many home
  • Mary Jordan : Looks like a painting to me, not real photo at all.
  • paul : The story could be real and not the photo.
  • Carol E : THOUSANDS of hunters, loggers, regular people have sent emails to tell of their "terror tails" of woods experiences to Steve's channel. He reads them. People get PTSD from it
  • Mary Jordan : I do think there are reall Sasquatches, but that is a guy in front of a painting.
  • guest_409 : Do you have a 1800 number for outside of the States?
  • Carol E : PTSD from the experience not the emails. lol. It helps people to tell their story without getting judged or laughed at.
  • Carol E : Steve Isdahl says "take it or leave it" he just reads.
  • guest_409 : Looks like AI
  • Eddy Petch : Dr. Melba Ketchum did the dna study
  • Carol E : They generally are thought to HATE getting their photos taken
  • Eddy Petch : Maternal side is human
  • guest_549 : The antichrist must rise to power by the year 2029. That year belongs to Jesus Christ. Jesus must return prior to or in year of 2029 to prevent the antichrist from having global dominance in that year.
  • Carol E : Yes! Eddy Petch, Dr. Ketchum. I couldn't think of her name
  • Carol E : Of course the "scientific" community ridiculed Dr Ketchum because it's supposed to be a secret but our lovely Gov. knows full well.
  • Eddy Petch : I did a deep dive for ~12 years on the cryptid bigfoot
  • Carol E : Eddy, and?
  • Carol E : It ties in with the Bible. well, the parts they left out. Enoch etc
  • Eddy Petch : Govt destroyed her career, and threatened violence against her family
  • Carol E : Yeah, they did. I saw her interview on Isdahl's channel on youtube
  • guest_549 : Th
  • Carol E : It's for members only
  • Eddy Petch : I know someone who had a firefight against a dogman. He nearly lost his life.
  • Eddy Petch : Yeah I saw that
  • Carol E : The channel is public but certain interviews are private. It's only $4 a month or something
  • Mary Jordan : Eddy, why not call in and talk about it?
  • Carol E : Bro Martin I'd really like to see the seed oil video
  • Carol E : Eddy, a "firefight!" Yeah, I guess all that fur would burn well
  • Carol E : Eddy, have you any BF experiences?
  • Mary Jordan : Eddy, what is the YouTube channel for Isdahl?
  • Eddy Petch : I heard 1000lb owls communicating together, that's all I can say.
  • Carol E : Evil food. I've been helped so much by Dr. Thrapp helping me to do carnivore, ORGANIC carnivore!! God bless you Dr. T.
  • guest_409 : Use olive or coconut oil.
  • guest_549 : The antichrist must rise to power by the year 2029. That year belongs to Jesus Christ. Jesus must return before or during year 2029 in order to prevent the antichrist from having global dominance in that year.
  • Carol E : Steve Isdahl's channel is FACTS BY HOW TO HUNT on youtube.
  • Mary Jordan : Thanks, Carol!!
  • Eddy Petch : Carol E do you recall the name of Steve Isdahl's channel? "HOW TO HUNT?"
  • Carol E : Mary I was led to his channel about 3 years ago. I'm a "member" so I saw the Native American lady interviews/stories and Dr Ketchums interview. Very interesting. VERY interesting and
  • Carol E : Eddy, THE FACTS BY HOW TO HUNT
  • Carol E : Mary, sorry, its" THE FACTS BY HOW TO HUNT
  • Eddy Petch : Duke from "World Bigfoot Radio" is a good contact. He interacts with bf every summer in Montana
  • Carol E : He put's a few of his "rants" in there on the current world events but usually only a minute or two. Mostly all just reading emails and showing photo's sent in. . mostly blurry squatches. lol
  • Carol E : Eddy, I LOVE DUKE! " Big sky Howdy!!"
  • Carol E : I totally have to rewatch this whole show tonight. I usually try to anyway.
  • Eddy Petch : Glagg: best bf story ever
  • Mary Jordan : Thanks, Carol and Eddy!
  • Eddy Petch : On Duke's channel
  • Carol E : My dad died from that Crisco from hell at the young age of 53
  • Eddy Petch : Sorry Carol
  • Carol E : Yeah, Glagg. I only heard half. I gotta get back to that video. So much to do. right
  • Carol E : Eddy, thanks. Yeah he passed in 1983. Very sudden and sad
  • Carol E : FDA from hell also
  • Eddy Petch : Ill ask my buddy if he will tell the shootout story on witts.
  • Carol E : Eddy, that'd be cool! Are you in USA? What state? I'm in WA state
  • Eddy Petch : Massachusetts
  • Carol E : So you've got lots there too?
  • Eddy Petch : Some
  • Carol E : They say they're everywhere. . cryptids that is
  • Carol E : Know Jesus. He is ABOVE ALL
  • Eddy Petch : Bf are in every continental state, yes.
  • guest_409 : Whats BF?
  • Carol E : BIG FOOT
  • guest_409 : Oh bigfoots
  • Eddy Petch : Bigfoot
  • guest_409 : Yeah i figured it out.
  • guest_409 : Thanks
  • Eddy Petch : Mary, you might be able to mindspeak with them?
  • Jesus Christ : I am coming soon...
  • Carol E : Well Hello, JC. Can't wait to meet you. lol
  • Eddy Petch : Same here!
  • Jesus Christ : Very, very soon!
  • Mary Jordan : I would think so, Eddy. But I don't think I've met a BF specifically. I did a race that looked like upright animals, but there were not Sasquatches by any means.
  • Carol E : yessir
  • Eddy Petch : Mary, Duke has an acquaintance who can zero in on a geographic area and communicate with bf
  • Mary Jordan : Eddy, who is Duke?
  • Eddy Petch : Brian Sullivan of World Bigfoot Radio
  • Mary Jordan : I try to stay away from that just cuz I'm busy with so much stuff already!!
  • Mary Jordan : Okay, I will definitely listen!!
  • Mary Jordan : I heard lot of stories about BF when I was in WA state, doing lots of mountain climbing during college.
  • Carol E : Mary, I'm in WA state! Beautiful mountains. . kinda spooky at times
  • Carol E : Of course, the city is probably spookier! lol. Leftwingnuts
  • Mary Jordan : Dr. Thrapp, can you talk about the structures at the south pole of the moon? Could they be asteroid destroyers? Can you talk about the asteroid destroyers that were on Earth?
  • Carol E : There they are! kinda.
  • Carol E : I love Highway to Heaven and Little House on the Prairie then the crazies decided Little House was "racist!" Seriously not!
  • Jesus Christ : I am coming soon...
  • Carol E : Whats under the Antartic Ice?
  • Carol E : I've been trying to work my way through the archives. There are many. Very good
  • Jesus Christ : There is a big underground city on north pole of earth, entrance is now almost covered.
  • Carol E : North pole?
  • Jesus Christ : Yes, under the ice.
  • Carol E : South Pole.
  • Jesus Christ : Not moon, north pole of earth!
  • Carol E : Good night you guys. God bless you and thank you
  • Joshua : Good teachings! Thanks all for participating and making WITTS as enriching as it is! Have a good night and a blessed week in the power of Jesus!

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