Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Who In Heaven Do You Think You Are?, Pt 1
Guest: Timothy Martin
Guest Topic: New Madrid Fault
Further Discussion: Dominant Energy, Power Lines, Solar Flares

Warm Greetings to All Brothers and Sisters In Christ!


We did not get to it last week, So, In this program, we will  cover “The New Madrid Fault”, And what happened last time it went off.

The Greatest Earthquake in the last 200 years!

As Well as, How often this thing Starts Shaking and how bad?!
What does the geological record say?
The last one lasted for over 10 years! With many months, several times, Shaking WITHOUT STOP.
Imagine a earthquake lasting 2 month! Or More!
The Rivers running backward!
Huge areas turning into QUICKSAND, that stretch for as far as the eye can see, in every direction!
Whole towns disappearing!
Vast Lakes appearing overnight!
Other Huge Lakes Disappearing over night.
Other Lakes Boiling Hot!
Sand and/or boiling hot water spitting out hundreds of feet in the air. Geysers appearing out of no where. Quicksand appearing out of no where.
What is the probability of this happening again?
How many times has it happened in the past?
Tell your friends that live in any of the USA to be sure to tune in! This next eruption and Quake COULD VERY WELL AFFECT EVERYONE! LAST TIME THIS FAULT WENT OFF IT SHOOK ALL OF USA AND PARTS OF CANADA!
This is a program your friends will not want to miss!
We will also be covering MYSTERIOUS lights and electrical-like arcs, appearing at ground level, in various places in the USA.  (Will be showing Video of this)
Will it happen in your area next? One of our World renown Scientists will be offering possible explanations for what these are.
Tonight at 10 Eastern USA time.
You are invited to send in your Questions Now, or during the Program on the chat window.  (Chat window is for questions/comments for the program, only)
See you there!
God Bless You All!
The World Improvement team.
Time: 10 pm Eastern USA time.
Place: justin.tv/​worldimprovement
You are welcome to visit our website: www.witts.ws