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Hello Brothers & Sisters!
We have some great videos and awesome teachings this week!
This week Sir T will be continuing his teaching: “How to wield the power of God in your daily life!”
Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

Ridiculous Miracles & Seeing the Invisible Clearly – Clarice Fluitt with Sid Roth

An international team of scientists has made a stunning discovery, buried beneath a kilometer of ice near Greenland. It is one of the 25 largest known impact craters on Earth.
Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

In 2004 the navy’s Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises when unexplained small “Tic Tac” shaped flying vehicles forever changed all those that encountered them.
The Nimitz Encounters

–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:

Ray Boltz God Knows i Tried

Faithful One – Selah

Notes / Comments / Questions:


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