Brother Richard teaches on “Baptism”, Sir Timothy shares a word on healing and faith, the team has some discussion on hoverboard anti-gravity technology, and a WITTS partner shares a short video of his recent 3kw Generator Replication!

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Teaching: Brother Richard Maclone – Baptism

Sir Timothy Thrapp shares a few more thoughts – Healing & Faith


Technology & World Highlight:

Hover board
For many years WITTS has been involved in various antigravity technologies. A newly released video depicts a hoverboard similar to one found in the popular movie, Back to the Future Part II.  Is this technology possible? Sir T will have some insights to the feasibility and realities regarding these elusive devices!
Martin hyland video of 3kw recent replication

One of our covenent partners has continue to have success replicating more WITTS technology. We’ll have a short video this evening and Sir T will share some of the details of this latest success!

Guest: No additional guest tonight


Some Questions & Comments From the Show:

Q: Why do most churches associate water baptism with church membership?
Q: What does brother Rich think Romans 10:10 is referring to? For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved
C: I have always seen Baptism more as a symbol of the end of sinful life and new beginning of life in salvation. Jesus did it so we should too to fulfill all righteousness.
Q: Not talking against what you are saying, but isn’t this (protocol for baptism) “Law” and are we not now free from the old law ? Baptism of the Holy Ghost came after the Death and Restoration of our Lord Christ and was THEN given to us all as a gift from Jesus and and Father to teach guide and empower us in God’s work…right?
Q: I have gone through water Baptism , Twice once as a child then latter as a Adult by choice.. I do not think I been Baptism in the Sprit…I have had the sprit op on me at times in church but to be baptized in the Sprit , surly you would know when that happen and I been told that it is life changing…So question do I need to seek out baptism in the sprit ??  How , where and how????????
Q: please tell us about the technology used in the Huvr
C: My life Change Here on Witts when I came looking for answers before I gave my life back to God . God hit me with a “download” with knowledge and information I did not understand or could use. I been answered and saved in sprite by testermond of others on the Pod cast at least three times but as to talking in the Sprit …not so muchC: thank you for sharing your testimony brother Martin!
Q: I have not seen Chem Planes for weeks now day or night (can’t sleep) Is this the same in the U.S. now? Has a change been noticed in what they are doing… or have they stopped ????

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