Written Engineers' Testimonials (Independent Engineer Verifications)
Written Independent Engineer Verifications
Please respect the copyright on everything here. These Engineers and Engineering Companies have put their reputations on the line and have requested their statements be available only to others who have contributed toward the goal. If you do so, we can make a better future for all! Your friends can come and make a modest donation to see the these materials just like you did! Thank you!
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Please respect the copyright on everything here. These Engineers and Engineering Companies have put their reputations on the line and have requested their statements be available only to others who have contributed toward the goal. If you do so, we can make a better future for all! Your friends can come and make a modest donation to see the these materials just like you did! Thank you!
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1. Introduction | 2. Chuck Quiner Engineer | 3. Stephen Smith Analyst |
4. James Lawrence EE PhD IBM | 5. Tim Martin R&D Entr. | 6. David Ault |
7. Michael Marino | 8. Daniel Aiello R&D Aerospace | 9. G Fisher R&D IBM |
10. Howard Powers Engineer | 11. Craig Williams MS CalTech | 12. Jimmy Reed |
13. JT (EE) | 14. John Anonymous | 15. Thomas Judd EE |
16. Jeremiah Miller EE MIT | 17. Jan Osterud | 18. M Gullberg M.Sc |
19. Thomas Zolper M.S.M.E. | 20. O Geiser | 21. Dr Susan Watson |
22. Will Wilson EE MIT | 23. Norman Va | 24. Emery Beachy |
25. Glen Bender Minister/Bishop | 26. John Maughan QUEET user | 27. Gas Bill |
28. John McDonald PhD | 29. Electric Bill |
Note: Minor editing/formatting to these statements has been performed to establish better readability on the website.
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