Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Who In Heaven Do You Think You Are?, Pt 5
Guest: Timothy Martin
Guest Topic: The AWESOME Scientific basis of “The New Creation!”
Further Discussion:

  • Assassin who died, went to hell, saw Jesus, woke up in morgue after Sir Timothy prayed for him on airplane to be able to truly know God exists
  • DNA changes caused by Fear and Love emotions
  • Brainwave entrainment and music
  • How what we teach is different from the “Name it & Claim it” Abuses of the Faith Movement in the past
  • Four Steps to Faith: Believing and saying it’s done,  Act like it, Receive it, Declare the victory
  • Discussed custom built generators and power systems, gravity motors, quantum energy systems, and mass production of those types of technologies.
  • Marijuana, Hemp discussed
  • Discussed the hazards of smoking, eating smoked food.  Smoking, smoked food and cancer relationship.

Who in Heaven Do You Think You Are? – The last chapter.
Hello to All the Brothers and Sisters in Our Sweet Lord Jesus!
Tonight will be a fascinating program, you wont want to miss!
In the advanced energy technology teaching segment of this program, Sir T will be teaching the final part on the subject, “Who in Heaven Do You Think You Are?” This teaching has amazing application to your everyday life!
Tired of feeling defeated and beat down? Does the world look as though there is no hope? What does it all mean? Where are the answers?
This series of teachings has been so inspiring!
Answers and solutions that have saved countless lives and made them happier, healthier, and more prosperous in the process!
God has the solutions! And Sir will be sharing how you can have Gods solutions in your life!
On the second part, our guest brother Timothy Martin will be teaching and discussing along with Sir T, The AWESOME Scientific basis of “The New Creation!”
Did you know its now been proven “that your DNA actually changes! When you become that new creation!
Do not miss the details!
We will have other scientists on the program, teaching these amazing truths, as well.
A program you will not want to miss!
God Bless You All!
Dr John and The World Improvement Team.