Million Dollar Education for Free!

Here begins your Free, Million Dollar Education. If you are willing to study and learn, there are great truths you can be shown.  Most persons on this planet have been misled by the dark side, deceived on a great many levels, believing lies built upon other lies.  But some of us have been set free, and more and more every day are seeing the light.  Jesus said “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (Jn 8:32)  We are helping as many as are open, to see the light.  We have learned that God is the giver of all life, all freedom, all knowledge, and all wisdom.  “…people are destroyed for lack of knowlege.” (Hos 4:6)
The dark side seeks to hold captive, enslave, seduce, deceive and kill.  Truth however, becomes evident to those who actively seek for it, and seek for it diligently.  There was good reason the psalmist quoted “Be still, and know that I am God…” (ps 46:10). Truth does not reveal itself to the lazy, nor to those who sit around, numbing themselves with constant distraction. The most important door to knowledge and wisdom is through the Word of God, the Bible, and reaching out to God with a willing attitude, wanting to know him better.  Each of the members of this ministry assert that this was true for them.

Once enough people are enlightened, and learn to work together, we can bring these great realities and these great solutions to all mankind.

Open your mind, get a pen and paper, take notes, and be inquisitive as you begin this journey to uncover hidden knowledge that has been kept secret from most until only the last few years.  This ministry, Keely, Stubblefield, Tesla, Brandt, Faraday and some others discovered these secrets as far back as 200 years ago.  World Improvement Ministries is now making available these unprecedented demonstrations and this amazing information to the entire world for free!
You’re bound to have questions, so write ’em down and contact us, or join us on our Wednesday Night Webcast and ask them live.
For those of you taking us up on the offer, we’ve organized the material below to assist you in being able to methodically review it and keep track of where you left off as you study at your own pace.  Each item, whether audio or video or written material, has a number that we’ll try not to change very often.  We suggest you start with number 1, and proceed until you have reviewed all 30 items.
This will bless you greatly.

1. WITTS Introduction to World Solutions

Introduction to World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries – offering solutions to help the planet.

2. Quantum Energy – 1/3- Audio Interview w/ Sir Timothy Thrapp

Part 1 of 3: Sir Timothy Thrapp, spokesman for WITTS Ministries, and a scientist specializing in Quantum Engineering speaks on plans for mass production of Quantum Energy devices for home use.  Sir Timothy became interested in quantum energy as a child, and is now part of a network of scientists/inventors whose membership has included such prominent people as Michael Faraday and Nikola Tesla. He discusses the existence of free energy devices going back 300 years, and possibly even in Ancient China. Also talks about his experience with the government and tells about many technologies that can change the world.

3. Quantum Energy – 2/3- Audio Interview w/ Sir Timothy Thrapp

Part 2 of 3: Sir Timothy Thrapp, spokesman for WITTS Ministries, and a scientist specializing in Quantum Engineering speaks on plans for mass production of Quantum Energy devices for home use. Sir Timothy became interested in quantum energy as a child, and is now part of a network of ministers/scientists/engineers, whose membership has included such prominent people as Michael Faraday, and Nikola Tesla, and Nathan Stubblefield. He discusses the existence of free energy devices going back 300 years, and even in Ancient China. Also talks about his experience with governments and tells about many technologies that can change the world.

4. Quantum Energy – 3/3- Audio Interview w/ Sir Timothy Thrapp

Part 3 of 3: Sir Timothy Thrapp, spokesman for WITTS Ministries, and a scientist specializing in Quantum Engineering speaks on plans for mass production of Quantum Energy devices for home use. Sir Timothy became interested in quantum energy as a child, and is now part of a network of ministers/scientists/engineers, whose membership has included such prominent people as Michael Faraday, and Nikola Tesla, and Nathan Stubblefield. He discusses the existence of free energy devices going back 300 years, and even in Ancient China. Also talks about his experience with governments and tells about many technologies that can change the world.

5. WITTS Overunity Independent Verifications (Tim M)

This clip begins with an address by high technology entrepreneur Tim Martin. Tim has a wealth of practical experience with the research and development of working overunity devices. He expresses his amazement here however, at how far Sir Timothy Thrapp and WITTS Ministries have gone, in terms of the full development of practical quantum energy machines.

6. Self Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (1 of 3)

Part 1 of 3: Longer and more detailed 2.3kW demonstration of the 40kW WITTS Fuelless Generator. This device, once started, requires no input of fuel whatsoever and derives it’s power from the quantum field. This is only one example of numerous technologies ready to be manufactured to help the earth and its people.

7. Self Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (2 of 3)

Part 2 of 3: Longer and more detailed 2.3kW demonstration of the 40kW WITTS Fuelless Generator. This device, once started, requires no input of fuel whatsoever and derives it’s power from the quantum field. This is only one example of numerous technologies ready to be manufactured to help the earth and its people.

8. Self Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (3 of 3)

Part 3 of 3: Longer and more detailed 2.3kW demonstration of the 40kW WITTS Fuelless Generator. This device, once started, requires no input of fuel whatsoever and derives it’s power from the quantum field. This is only one example of numerous technologies ready to be manufactured to help the earth and its people.

9. Independent Engineers Verifications. WITTS OverUnity (Chuck Q)

Independent engineers come forward to make public statements confirming the legitimacy of WITTS overunity machines and devices. This clip includes independent engineer Chuck Quiner who has thoroughly examined the various technologies at WITTS and verified them to be working overunity machines. Chuck was so impressed he joined the cause and volunteered to do what he could to spread the message of this humanitarian effort.
It is important that these technologies become mass produced since they involve details that are not easily duplicated without advanced equipment. Just as the fabrication of the first semiconductors required specialized equipment, quantum energy machines will need new infrastructure to become affordable for all. Help us make it happen!

10. Hemisphere Quantum Fuelless Generator – Demo #1

Another demonstration of useful freely available electric power derived from the quantum field. No input fuel required! (Original video – 1993) This device is similar to machines developed by Henry Moray using a hemisphere shape.

11. Independent Verification # 298 (Richard Lobwein)

This clip features Sir Timothy Thrapp speaking with Richard Lobwein. Richard is an Australian telecommunications specialist who travelled all the way from Down under, especially to inspect and evaluate a range of WITTS advanced energy technologies.
Richard speaks very passionately about the validity of WITTS technolgies and the need for more people to take an active interest in getting them into the mainstream.

12. The Worlds Most Efficient Generator

This video explicitly shows the self-running capability of the early-model delay line motor generators. It is showing a delay line generator motor that starts with a pack of 9-volt batteries in series, and after connecting the capacitor in parallel with the battery pack, shows the batteries completely removed, and the motor loaded down to create a drag, incontrovertibly showing both electrical and mechanical power simultaneously generated by the already self-running motor.
The batteries are disconnected totally so that the delay line generator motor is self-generating, self-turning as well as supplying electricity to the fluorescent tubes.
The device is over 23 years old and as such provided the basis for higher output more sophisticated devices such as the Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator.
There is no harmful radiation and it is converting zero point energy with no external power source needed after starting!

13. Independent Engineers Verifications. WITTS OverUnity (Olin G)

Hands on engineer Olin Geiser. Olin gives a similar testimony to Tim,but carries the added authority of having been directly engaged by WITTS Ministries to develop and build the electronic controllers which manage the operation of a number of their advanced energy machines.

14. Self Running 35 Watt Delay Line Generator!

WITTS is showing a delay line generator motor starting with a pack of 9-volt batteries in series. It shows the voltage rising from 713 volts to 728 volts after starting with approximately 0.05 amps average current or 35 watts being generated & utilized. The meter used for the current measurements is one designed specifically for measuring pulsed current accurately.
A conventional generator motor would be dropping the voltage in the battery pack after starting.
Then a capacitor is added and the batteries are disconnected totally so that the delay line generator motor is self generating, self turning as well as supplying electricity to the fluorescent tubes. The device is over 23 years old and as such provided the basis for higher output more sophisticated devices such as the Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator.
There is no harmful radiation and it is converting zero point energy with no external power source needed after starting!
Other Notes: Metering Used –
Craftsman 82014 (amp-clamp for current measurements)
Wavetek DM27XT (for the voltage measurements)

15. Another Independent Engineer’s Verification of WITTS Overunity Technology (Glenn)

Glenn is another independent engineer who has reviewed and tested overunity machines developed by WITTS. He’s made this video to help get the message out about this important technology. There are people who keep asking for documentation that these machines are real. WITTS has over a hundred of such documents. This is one.

16. World’s Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater

WITTS is showing the world’s most efficient overunity ultrasonic water heater. A stainless steel sphere with 1.7 gallons of water starts at 101 degrees F and rises to 184 degrees F in two minutes from 1.62 watts input from a 9-volt battery supplying 0.18 amps.
Normally 1.7 US gallons of water would require 10,296 watts of energy at 100% efficiency to be raised from 101 to 184 degrees F in 2 minutes. This is super efficient at over 6000 X more heat from the input of electricity.
There are no catalysts, heavy water or other exotic materials required as in cold fusion and no harmful radiation is released. The stimulus for this research & development was John Keely’s Sympathetic Vibratory Physics using frequencies in combination with shapes of materials.

17. Hemisphere Quantum Fuelless Generator – Demo #2

The 2nd demonstration of useful freely available electric power derived from the quantum field. This clip shows the machine up close and has additional dialog explaining the theory of operation. (Original video – 1993)

18. Independent Engineers Verifications. WITTS OverUnity (Steve Smith)

Over 100 Independent Engineers come forward to make public statements confirming the legitimacy of WITTS overunity machines and other high technologies. This clip includes independent engineer Steve Smith who has thoroughly examined devices at WITTS and verified them to be working overunity machines. Steve was so impressed he joined the cause and volunteered to do what he could to spread the message of this humanitarian effort. Make sure you visit the rest of this site.
It is important that these technologies become mass produced since they involve details that are not easily duplicated without advanced equipment. Just as the fabrication of the first semiconductors required specialized equipment, quantum energy machines will need new infrastructure to become affordable for all. Help us make it happen!

19. Hemisphere Generator Starts Jeep – Quantum Electric Demo

A high amperage demonstration of useful freely available electric power derived from the quantum field. No input fuel required! (Original video – 1993) This device is similar to machines developed by Henry Moray using a hemisphere shape. see also Hemisphere Quantum Fuelless Generator – Demo #2 and Hemisphere Quantum Fuelless Generator – Demo #1.  Join us and become part of the solution!

20. Independent Engineer’s Verification of Overunity Technology (JT)

You will want to catch the rest of this fascinating experience from JT’s Book, FREE ENERGY 101! Available on our GIFTS! page.
JT has graciously come forward to publicly verify the overunity energy technologies from WITTS.
JT lived at a facility powered by a quantum electric generators including house, shops and barns. He joins us in this humanitarian effort to spread this important message in hopes others will also support the cause.
It is important that these technologies become mass produced since they involve details that are not easily duplicated without advanced equipment. Just as the fabrication of the first semiconductors required specialized equipment, quantum energy machines will need new infrastructure to become affordable for all. Help us make it happen!

21. Self Running Electronic Motor Prototype (1 of 3)

Self Running Electronic Generator.
This clip shows an interesting phenomenon when the main power is disconnected and energy increases dramatically, even though a normal motor would stop dead.
Also. The batteries used to power the rotor increase in voltage and power after running. Plus the amperage is going backwards into the batteries, showing they are being charged.
This is very similar to the delay line motor that runs with no batteries in a previous video.

22. Self Running Electronic Motor Prototype (2 of 3)

Self Running Electronic Motor.
This clip shows an interesting phenomenon when the main power is disconnected and energy increases dramatically, even though a normal motor would stop dead.
Also. The batteries used to power the rotor increase in voltage and power after running. Plus the amperage is going backwards into the batteries, showing they are being charged.
This is very similar to the delay line motor that runs with no batteries in a previous video.

23. Self Running Electronic Motor Prototype (3 of 3)

Self Running Electronic Generator.
This clip shows it slowly running without any batteries! (Except 2 that run the electronic switches). The power that turns the rotor is actually created from the Quantum, on each pulse!
Totally Free Energy!
The batteries used to power the electronic switches actually increase in voltage after running.
This is very similar to the delay line motor that runs with no batteries in a previous video.

24. Testimonial for Daniel Aiello, Master Machinist, Self-Taught Electrical Engineer

25. Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator!

World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries (WITTS), showing initial activation & then a self-running electrical motor generator combination with 900 net watts output. This is a result of studying the pioneers such as Tesla, Moray, Hendershot and 20 years of work by a team of top scientists along with several million in R & D.

26. World Class Engineer Verification of Gravity Motor! (JT)

Gravity Motor Testimonial

27. Water Fuel Museum Interview 1

Interview with WITTS spokesperson Sir Timothy Thrapp, September 2007, discussing the ministry with James Robey at the Water Fuel Museum.

28. Water Powered Car!! – Suzuki Samurai Runs on 100% Water

A brief prototype water-powered vehicle demonstration.
This technology has been fully developed and many other models built by the engineers at WITTS.
In this demo, the stock engine idles completely from HHO gas generated from a small electrolyzer powered by quantum energy.

29. WITTS QUEET Testimonial from Independent Researcher Tim Litke 2010 Oct 11

Independent Engineer Verification #304 (QUEET Technology)

30. Water Fuel Museum Interview 2

Interview with WITTS spokesperson Sir Timothy Thrapp, March 2009, discussing the ministry and technologies with James Robey at the Water Fuel Museum.  Unfortunately this program was unexpectedly cut short and ends abruptly. Contains considerable information on the general scope of quantum technology and the ministry’s current main focus.

31. JT Interview

Interview with JT, electrical engineer, scientist, author.
