Healings, Authority, Works of God – More in the last 4 mo. than entire life! – Kyle Smith
on November 8th, 2011 at 9:32 amPosted In: Testimonies
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From: Kyle Smith
To: Witts Ministries2014
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 8:20 PM
Subject: WITTS Testimonial
Dear World Improvement Ministries, my Fellow Brethren in Christ,
I can’t tell you how THANKFUL I AM to have come across your website. I’m a fellow brother in Christ and I fully believe the Lord lead me to you! Ever since God brought me to your website and showed me your teachings on taking authority over sickness, unclean spirits, and just the general authority we have back that God originally gave Adam prior to sinning. Your SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS on the authority we have been given (by being reconciled back again with God, Romans 5:10) over all things in the world (Luke 10:19) have opened my eyes to the real will of God. His will being, that we are a healthy, faithful, Loving, shinning light to the world, which is all available to us everyday, if we just believe it is!
My entire life I have seen faith work in smaller increments since I grew up with a family that was faith driven. However, since re-analyzing the word, reading, and applying the words of the Bible without any pre-conceived notions or society driven dispositions. I was able to listen to the Holy Ghost through your teachings and now I have seen more miracles within the last (4) months than my entire life prior. Prior to your teachings I always prayed for God’s will to be done when up against sickness or tribulations. I never understood it’s God’s will that we be healed and be a blessed people!
Your teachings through The Word of God, show clearly that if we are in Christ, and charged up with God, and we believe that we are healed, then we are healed. One of the reasons we are sickly is because we have been told by our society and those who surround us that we will get sick. However, you have shown me with your teachings (using the bible as your baseline) nothing could be further from the truth. The mindset of sickness, disease, or even a negative attitude is from the dark-side, as the scripture says in Mark 9:23(paraphrasing) With God all things are possible to those who believe in him. From listening to your teachings on the word, I realized that we are in control from power/authority bestowed upon us from God with his Holy Ghost. There are MANY, MANY other scriptures I could quote that say essentially “to those who believe and walk in Christ, any Godly thing is available to them”. Since taking on this transforming and enlightening mindset I have been able to prove it out and watch/experience God increase my faith!
Since taking on this authoritative mindset by the Holy spirit I have commanded in the name of Jesus, sickness’s to leave my children, wife, and myself. For example, my child had projectile vomit twice within about a half hour. The holy spirit told me to go and rebuke the sickness and send it away. I prayed in the name of Jesus that the sickness leave my child and that we aren’t under sickness and that by God’s word whatsoever we ask if we believe it, God shall grant it to us. After my prayer was over my daughter didn’t vomit anymore and was immediately healed of the vomiting. My children have always had a hard time teething so it’s not new that she would vomit while teething. Two days later nearly the exact same thing happened again. Projectile vomit, then prayer taking authority over the sickness and telling it to go since we aren’t going to accept sickness in our lives as we are the seed of Adam who have been reconciled with God and healed by the blood of Christ, again the sickness left immediately!
I believe God is using situations like this next one to help me increase in faith by building my spiritual muscles. I was at a drive up window, when I felt, out of nowhere, a wasp crawling up my leg. At that moment, I told that wasp in the name of the holy ghost it couldn’t hurt me. I grabbed my food and sat it in the passenger seat. I looked down to see where the wasp was and it completely dis-appeared. I pulled forward so the next car could pull up and then I got out of my car to look for the wasp. IT WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND… PRAISE GOD!!!
Here’s another, as I was barbecuing dinner one night I noticed a bee was nearly dead on the right side of the barbecue, about a foot away. As I would walk inside and back out again I noticed the bee move less and less. I couldn’t help but feel very bad for the bee. The Holy spirit told me to take authority over that bee and tell it to be restored and fly away in the name of Jesus Christ. SO I DID. I know this sounds foolish to tell a nearly dead insect to be healed but God works in mysterious ways sometimes. So after I commanded the bee to fly away it didn’t in fact it seemed to get worse. I thought to myself well maybe I need to help it on it legs. So after trying to put the bee on its legs for about 5-10 mins it would just roll back onto it’s back as if it wasn’t string enough to even stand on it’s feet. I still believe that God would give the bee strength and so I just continued on with my cooking duties. I passed the bee about another 5 times. I was removing some of my meat from the BBQ and it was seemingly even more lifeless than the previous 25 minutes. I came back out side about 5 seconds after seeing the bee lifeless and it WAS GONE!!! IT FLEW AWAY JUST AS I COMMANDED IT TO. Keep in mind when I say “I commanded” that just means I believe that the spirit lead me to take authority and so therefore I spoke the words. God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost that resides in me is where the power comes from, NOT FROM ME. ALL GLORY is GODS, not mine…
In the last 4 months I have seen over 9 miraculous healing’s by taking authority over them,. Believing that when I do, God would grant unto me my petition, just as he promised in the scriptures.
I thank you WITTS for listening to the spirit when it lead you to this way of life, as I now see first hand that God always intended for his children to have this understanding. It seems to me that God was always trying to show me his blessings but I wasn’t able to hear or see the way God was moving, because I didn’t spend enough time on my spiritual relationship with God. Which leads me to a teaching, I heard from Sir Timothy, that we should feed our spiritual man as much, or more as our carnal man daily so we can stay healthy and grow not only in the flesh but also in the spirit! I applied that to my life, June 1st of this year and I have been diligent with following it daily. I can honestly say that I have experience an increase of over 25x in the strength of my relationship with Jesus and God!
I thank you for all your hard work in putting together a weekly show that has taught and edified me to this very day! I look forward to our future fellowship and I remember you in my prayers to God! Your teachings and advancements in technology through the word of God, Truly do change lives, to those who are willing to prove them out!
Kyle Smith
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