Team with Us to HEAL THE WORLD.
We’ve been working to see this happen, enduring intense opposition, for close to 200 years. We think THE BEST WAY to serve Humanity is by fixing the problems of the whole man first: Spirit, Mind, and Body. This ministry supports orphans and widows, and ministers healing to the physical and spiritual needs of all living things.
Scripture says: “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” We see this no more true than in the area of spiritual power and authority, the people of God having had the wool pulled over their eyes, blinded from the truth, distracted from their true purpose on this earth: knowing and following the source of all wisdom and knowledge – Jesus Christ.
Does God have something for you to do here on earth that’s bigger than you?
Build up your spirit and open your mind to God working miracles in your life as He is doing in the lives of others. Study our ever-increasing body of spiritual education in the Archives section.
We are moving forward on a strong leading from God that the world’s problems can be fixed swiftly, as soon as 300 people, powerful in God, start working together. What can you do?
ABOUT US: WITTS Ministry is the oldest and perhaps the only ministry of its kind. We have introduced a large percentage of modern technology. We pioneered and introduced everything from motors to lights to computers to CD’s to lasers. Our ministry dates back to the time of Michael Faraday. see more…
TECHNOLOGIES: WITTS has revolutionary technology developed and available in the fields of alternative energy and pollution cleanup, pollution control, prevention and remediation. Please see a sampling of our technology in action included in our video demos section. These are real working devices tested and verified by independent engineers and scientists. see more…
WHY a Christian group involved in technologies? If you think about it, it makes perfect sense: The most advanced areas of science require the most knowledge, the most creativity, and the most wisdom. And all those things, as we know, come straight from the heart of God. God reveals truths, all truths, to those committed to Him. Read the true biographies of the majority of the learned scientists and you will discover that they were, first and foremost, men and women of God – strong in their faith – even ministers and Bible teachers (a fact that has been systematically erased from most history books.)
Flying in the face of current scientific dogma, we teach that Science and Faith were NEVER MEANT TO BE DISCONNECTED FROM ONE ANOTHER. THE MOST IMPORTANT Advanced Technologies of all are God, and the Power of God, in your life! Without it you will never get far in life (or ever be able to comprehend other advanced teachings.)
Read and RE-READ everything you can on this website. Take Notes.
LISTEN to the over 68 live shows we’ve done teaching you about the OVER 2000 technologies we have mastered, as well as educating on the real solutions to the challenges mankind is facing at this time.
PUT INTO PRACTICE what you learn – especially the spiritual teachings.
Most of what you hear and read in media is not true. (Most media has a paid agenda they don’t disclose.) The enemy of our faith has conspired with many to re-write God, and God’s freedoms, and God’s free gifts, out of the history books, and created broad roads to destruction for people to easily fall into. Sadly, many Christians have fallen into these traps, being snared into thought patterns and activities that are clearly of the enemy.
Most media and most people aren’t talking about the hundreds of people getting healed of cancer every day, dozens of new people a month running their houses on alternative energy, miracles by the droves, and all the other things that God is doing. If you’re not ‘spiritually oriented’, you need this more than anyone! The world was created by God, and He is the one who has the answers to any problems we have. Also, study the Archives Page.
CHECK OUT our FAQ (frequently asked questions) for answers to more questions.
REVIEW THE Covenant Partners and our GIFTS pages to find out how we can work together to help all humanity.
FURTHERMORE, IF you sense an inner witness in your heart, that you are supposed to help with this, then we’d love to have you on the team! There is loads of free information posted on this site, and you are encouraged to review as much of the hours of video, audio, and written material you can spend time on.
IF GOD IS LEADING YOU to become part of the solution, pray about becoming a Covenant Partner. See page by that name. Join us in perhaps, THE MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE OF ALL TIME! Freedom for ALL! Under God!
ADD your email address to our mailing list (sign up on the left side of this site page) so you don’t miss current news and current developments (usually one email / week.) Join us for the live show every Wednesday at 10pm eastern time on
God Bless You and we pledge to continue to serve God, you, and all mankind!
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