Donate and Help with the WITTS Ministries Fundraiser!

Doing your part, heal the planet now!

Most ministries do raise funds for an important cause. This is the most important cause on the planet. World improvement is something we should all help with because all our futures depend on it. Please pray about this and ask God what he would have you do to help. Then make the donation according to the amount God leads. God speaks to your heart.
Pray about becoming a regular monthly gifter. God does speak to your heart. We only need 300 people (monthly gifters) to make this a reality for all mankind. Together we can expedite bringing forth this technology. Our current priority is to focus on manufacturing portable, fuel-less electric power plants, for all your home needs. The technology has been developed and proven (see all 28 videos on our Testimonials page and our Video Demo’s page.)
Now it is time to set up facilities for manufacturing and production. We’ll be outlining our plans further in the coming months. If you haven’t read our Frequently Asked Questions, please do so as it may answer questions you might have. Many people just like you are called to work together to make this happen.
Also, tune in Wednesday night to the weekly LIVE video ministry program HERE, held every Wednesday evening at 10pm ET, including a Live Q&A Session. If you don’t catch it live, you can usually find it in the archives. You can type your questions in the chat window when watching it live, or if you can’t make it to the live broadcast, send your questions to our email or the contact page with subject “Questions for the Ministry Program”, and we’ll answer them during the next program.
Donations are processed by our trusted partners. Please continue by clicking on the Enlightened Technology button below:

Problems donating? Please call 214 385-4455.

Although online donations are convenient for most, you may also donate via Moneygram, Western Union or even money order. Contact us for details.

  • Make sure to check the Gifts page where memberships as well as gifts can be requested for donation amounts!
  • You may choose to donate any amount you wish. The ministry will put it toward improving our world!

Please contact us after your donation so we can help you more quickly.

It takes only a small group willing to work together to change this world for the better… GOD’S BLESSINGS ARE FOR ALL OF US!, SO, PLEASE START PARTICIPATING IN THOSE BLESSINGS, NOW. (ACTS 20:35)
“All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to sit at the sidelines and do nothing.”
Chances are excellent you have friends that need to see this material! Let them know about this opportunity! Please respect the copyright on everything here. If you do so, we can make a better future for all! Your friends can come and make the same donation to see the members material just like you did!