About WITTS Ministries

WITTS Ministry is the oldest and perhaps the only ministry of its kind. We have introduced a large percentage of modern technology.  We pioneered and introduced everything from motors to lights to computers to CD’s to lasers.  Our ministry dates back to the time of Michael Faraday.


Why a Ministry?
The word “minister” means servant.
A ministry is a group of servants.

  • Servants of God first.
  • Servants to our fellow man.
  • Servants to the planet and all life.

For nearly two centuries our World-Class Engineers/Scientists/Servants of God and Humanity have been working as God leads to introduce new technologies for facilitating massive changes in how we live (world improvement.) WITTS has been helping our Earth by encouraging spiritual growth of the masses, and by introducing advanced technology solutions to the people.

See our videos and audio interviews.

We operate as a ministry because the word minister means servant.  As a group of servants, our goal is to first of all serve God and then all humanity and all creation.  Our service is building God’s Kingdom here on this Earth by following the leading of the Holy Spirit and using our God given talents combined with hard work.  The Scripture says As many as are led by the Spirit of God, THESE are the children of God!

World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries is busy and has been busy for two centuries teaching the lessons of Jesus Christ all around the planet.  Not only do we have missionaries but we also help take care of orphans and help take care of the elderly and homeless.

We are an inter-denominational Christian ministry and work with all denominations and faiths. We have a passion and love for the whole world, for everyone, even the lost.

All ministries should be serving God and mankind and building God’s Kingdom on this Earth – not trying to build their own kingdom (empire.)

You are welcome to listen to a September 2007 interview with WITTS spokesperson Sir Timothy Thrapp, discussing the ministry with James Robey at the Water Fuel Museum.

Sir Timothy speaking with James Robey

See our Mission Statement
