Sir Timothy taught on the topic “A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine, Proverbs 17:22”; A few minutes after the teaching, a power outage caused the broadcast to be stopped.  Yes, it’s good to be reminded that we all need to prepare!  What would you do if you lost power to your house?  Do you have a plan?

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine, Proverbs 17:22”

How important is it to stay happy?  According to the Bible, VERY important!
You don’t get ahead by being an expert in all the vile plans of the enemy.
Be of service to God and others, forgive, love, have faith that God gives, and be happy!

Technology & World Highlight:

Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include…
A special talent Sir T wanted to share with everyone.
You raise me up – 6 year old Celine Tam – China Talent


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