Sir Timothy taught about “Staying Positive in a Negative World!”; Guest Brother Rand Urban fields some questions and answers.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Staying Positive In a Negative World”


Technology & World Highlight:

Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include…
–Nearly every week we share testimonies regarding those who take authority over situations that seem impossible. Here’s another where a small group in the Philippines seeks to disperse a tornado!
Fervent prayer dissolves a looming Tornado (Amazing!)

–In the 1940’s Perry Hayden decides he will “take God at His word” and demonstrate how God would grow and bless a crop, faithfully tithed over a six year period. Amazing abundance!
Dynamic Kernels Wheat Project

–Here’s a followup to a clip we watched a few months ago about Angels singing and caught on tape. Apparently singing isn’t their only activity.
Angels caught in the act (Follow up)
If the Auto Industry Operated Like the Vaccine Industry…

Guest: Brother Randall Urban – “Q & A”

Brother Rand guest hosts and fields some questions after Sir T leaves the show for an appointment.


Questions & Comments:

C: I used to say “act well, (and you will) be well”
Q: Could we invite Eric Jon Phelps on the show to speak on being a pre 1933 Private Citizen of the United States?
C: Last word was “…as long as it lines up with the word…”
C: A positive mindset bears great results for personal energy.  A negative mindset can sap all of one’s energy.
Q: Please agree with me in taking authority in Jesus name over pain that my wife is experiencing in her neck caused by thyroid issue.

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