Sir Timothy taught about “Concepts of Faith… Concepts of Power!”;  Guests Brother Martin and Brother Linebaugh shared very exciting stories.  Brother Martin shared some of his lessons learned from his entrepeneur days, and Brother Tom Linebaugh shared recent miracles and healings he’s seen while walking out the Great Commission!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Concepts of Faith… Concepts of Power!”


Technology & World Highlight:

Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include…
–This week we’ve picked a few short motivational videos that we’re sure you’ll enjoy.  Sometimes all we need is a little reassurance to keep motivated and positive!
Motivational videos for success – self motivation with in 2 minutes By RN Productions


 Faith | a short film

BroMartinYou see him every week, but did you know brother Martin co-founded a company that became publicly traded on NASDAQ? Nearly two decades ago, he had his taste of a fast-growing internet company that ended up changing his views on the business and finance worlds. This week he shared the story and related why he became aligned with the often misunderstood business perspectives of WITTS Ministries.
–Our friend Bill Still, who has been our guest on a previous program, shares his thoughts on the recent efforts to audit the Federal Reserve. Being an expert on the history of money, you might be surprised at what he thinks!
Still Report #363 — Yellen Maintains Fed Confusion

Guest: Brother Tom Linebaugh: “More Miracles Thank I can Count!”

Tonight’s guest Tom Linebaugh shares his recent testimony of a woman with a blind eye becoming totally healed.  Brother Tom has been exercising his authority since becoming familiar with WITTS and learning from the teachings.  He hopes to bring a witness tonight to join him during the program. Amazing miracles, too many to count!   He’s also studying William Lau – Elijahministries
Brother Tom encourages us that: Believers and Disciples of Yeshua have Authority, given by Christ (Just like when Jesus sent the 70 out to do the work.)  With use, that ‘muscle’ strengthens and gets easier to use!  Jesus said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments, and my commandments are not burdensome.”

Questions & Comments:

C: Regarding the teaching:  I sensed the Lord saying the exact same thing – I shall restore all things.   Amazing confirmation of the Word!  Same word (as in the teaching) came to me while reading Matt 17:11-13
C: I know not much but (hopefully) i know the most important thing: our master Yahshua the Messiah!!!  –  and that Yahshua’s commandments are good!
C: Re teaching:  Jude says to build yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in the Spirit.
Q: To Brother Martin: how many hours were you putting in typically and what effect did it have on your family life?
C: Wow, regarding Brother Martin’s true description of the cut throat psychopathic system of American business, it SURE does sound a whole lot the great whore Babylon of Revelation 17&18.
C: Psychopaths are out to bleed the life blood out of the good of this world.  They behave like demons because they are controlled by demons.
C: Shark tank…whew boy…bless their hearts.  My township is kinda acting like one right now. I’ll let my current experience make me better, not bitter. I live and learn. It’s an eye opener!
C: Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. -Matt 10:16
C: What Tim just described is why I left the corporate world many years ago –  Ruthlessness -greediness -immorality!
Q: Bro Tom, can you share the story about praying for the guy at the Loves truck stop on your way back from the WITTS gathering?  Also, could you talk about the follow-up at the same truck stop some time later?  (the angel who looked like a normal man)
Q: Tom, what do you command to break the generational curses?
C: Good rhema word of the Lord brother Tom. Thank-you Jesus. Faith in God is confidence in his Word that his Word is the final authority for the believer concerning sin, sickness, and death.
Q: Tom and Nathaniel, could you talk about other healings and weather miracles too?
C: Tonight I commanded sickness out of my daughter and she tossed her cookies…and then felt better.  It tried to get on me and I rebuked it…gone.  Amen!
C: Regarding rebuking the rain, I did this too many times when I had to work outside.
C: Standing on God’s word, JUST WORKS!! Let God be true and every man a liar!
C: Sad, preachers deny the power of God
Q: Would like to ask for prayer and agreement for my son Phillip so that he no longer has so much trouble concentrating in school and on homework.  Thanks!
C: Speaking of Christians cooperating with evil: Evil does not happen without a support staff of people. Christians need to stop being part of the problem.
C: SIR T you are Right I just read Jude in the ESV bible and they translate like you said they even put a comma between Holy Faith and Praying in the Spirit. Thanks
Q: Yes, Thanks bro Tom! What would you say is the most important part of taking authority and keeping your healing?
Q:  Could Tom talk about the follow-up to that healing at the Loves truckstop (the guy who was probably and angel in disguise)

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