Sir Timothy shared on the topic “How God taught me about Divine Healing!” and our guest Brother Tim Martin shared inspiring conversation with Sir Timothy and a caller.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “How God taught me about Divine Healing!”

There are 3 kinds of healing. Sir T will be covering the basics on the first two and go more in depth on the focus, which is Divine Healing. Sir T will be giving his testimony on how God taught him, over many years, how to master health, and how to receive ABUNDANT health, and how to obtain from God supernatural healing, whenever it is needed.
Our theme scriptures will be Mathew 15:22-31 and 1 Peter 2:24

Technology & World Highlight:
Our Video’s Tonight Include:
Built in your garage, would an open source automobile be something that could be made practical and widespread? Francisco Liu and Ampelio Macchi have teamed up to design Tabby, the do-it-yourself car.
OSVehicle: TABBY Timelapse

Straight out of Star Wars, the hover bike may become a reality sooner than we think.
Hoverbike Kickstarter Campaign

A high performance super car is not only electric powered, but also uses salt water in a new and unique way.
QUANT e-Sportlimousine with nanoFLOWCELL® drive

Although antigravity effects are achieved in various ways, this setup is another definitive apparatus that demonstrates gravity can indeed be manipulated with a spinning super conducting disk.
Frank Znidarsic’s Theory for Podkletnov Effect

Bob Jones discusses the end times prophecy where things might transpire differently than what you might expect. Getting to know your neighbors and working together could be more important than anything.
Bob Jones and the Rapture…

Do secret families significantly influence our global societies? Is there a plan to reverse the destruction recent civilization has caused during the last century?
According to the Red Dragons, not only do they have a plan, it is one divinely inspired and will involve all the world’s people working together. You’ll be surprised by what happened when a Red Dragon elder experienced his death but then is instructed to return to the physical to carry out a mission. Who do you think he met?


Guest: Brother Tim Martin: “Current Events & Interest”
Many quite interesting and timely topics discussed along with the above videos.

Some Questions & Comments From the Show: TBD

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