Sir Timothy shares on the topic “How to Keep Your Healing!”.  Our Guest was John Hutchison, a well-known name in the free energy field, of “The Hutchison Effect” fame – discussed what he’s been up to lately and answered questions from the audience.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “How to Keep Your Healing!”

On tonight’s program Sir T will be speaking on “How to Keep Your Healing!” Standing against Satan’s counter-attack.
Also, we had a brother join us who is a singer, Nathaniel Evens.  He sang a special song of glory to God!

Technology & World Highlight:

Our videos for tonight’s broadcast include:

-A short humorous video: 15 Terrible Road Signs–A
-Facing impending kidney failure, an anonymous CIA official makes the decision to disclose information too important to ignore and describes seeing several alien spacecraft inside the secretive Area 51 in Nevada.
Former CIA Official Gives Deathbed Testimony About UFO’s 2013, Citizens Hearing On Disclosure

Guest: Brother John Hutchison – “Interesting experiences, Current Work, Radiation Remediaton”

This week our guest is John Hutchison who will be speaking about free energy, anti-radiation, life extension and the “Hutchison effect”.  This curious effect is what first put him in the spotlight by creating unusual anti-gravity behavior in common objects and peculiar jellification of metal bars using surplus naval radio equipment.
Also, another video of the energy device he built for a Japanese group:

Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
Q: What beech in OR did he (John) say?
Q: What is his youtube channel name?
Q: Can the radioactive pollution curtailment technology work close to the source: i.e. Fukashima?
Q: There is a seemingly unending amount of radioactive waste on the planet which is allegedly one of the primary causes of global ice melt.  Can the radioactive curtailment be effective on a broad scale such as in the oceans around the world?  (Scott Owen -Believers Underground talks about the radioactivity, polar ice melt and “Glacial Rebound”)
Q: Is there any way to employ our advanced technologies without having to wait for those with the funds to finally wake up and be some real help?   Is there another way than having to depend on the rich?   A: I believe that the first step to this reality, we must believe that YES there is a way, even if we do not yet know it.
Q: John, what do you think of people who die and go to heaven or hell then come back to their bodies? Do you think the energy from their bodies leaves entirely then comes back?  (What is your take on how that works)
Q: What do you know about the Dragon Family?
Q: I’ve heard that brown’s gas will neutralize radiation. Is this true?
Q: has any seen the plants that eat metal ?
Q: What crystals have the most energy?
C: Concerning faith… Without faith it is impossible to please God. Implied is that with faith we can actually please God. If drawing back causes God’s soul to have no pleasure in us, then bold faith causes his soul to have pleasure in us!!! Exciting!! Many thanks to Sir T for teaching and exhorting us on faith!!
Q: Are you willing do discuss the queet and radioactivity?
Q: I’m moving my home of the grid of using gas and electricity what is the most efficient way of keeping the state and government out of your business
C: I believe (I have faith) that there is a way to save the world using what God gave us even if the rich fail to wake up.  It is on them if they fail in the end -and to our credit if we succeed despite their utter failure.
C: Interesting that dilithium crystals were in Star Trek
C: John H started it all for me. So glad to be here!
Thanks for bringing John in on the program.  I think we are all witness to the new Renaissance happening on the planet right now.  …The world governments are speeding up their agenda because they can’t keep the truth secret any longer
Q: Question for John: Do you currently notice any problems or strange effects on electronics that you work around or with (like cell phones or bluetooth, wireless, videocameras, etc.)
C:  They (the governments) cannot hurt us and God will not allow us to be taken
C: My first live attendance. Great Stuff going on! Thanks everyone!  John—-You are Fantastic! Thanks Witts team…

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