Sir Timothy Thrapp teaches on “Walking as Sons of God In This World” and Brother Max shares on The Importance of Creativity in Prayers, and many other insights he’s gleaned over the years of seeking God.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – Walking as Sons of God In This World, Pt 2 Are you walking as Sons of God … or as mere men? (see 1Cor 3:3 and 1 John 4:17) Another empowering teaching that you will not want to miss! So far, millions have been empowered by God’s word for more success in their daily lives. You are invited to become part of this team in these last days of this old world and the beginning days of God’s New World.
Some Scriptures and notes from Tonight’s Teachings:
1 Jn 4:17
Ps 78:41 Stop constantly limiting God – referring to Numbers 14:22 we are as grasshoppers in the land! No way we can win!

Technology & World Highlight: 
Perhaps one of the most recognized American newscasters, Dan Rather talks about the decline of integrity in news outlets over the last decades and goes on to reveal the truth about political conventions in this country. Could it be that the largest propaganda organization in history is crumbling day by day?
TELL LIE VISION – The Corporatization Of Your Media – Dan Rather Speaks Out

Guest: Brother Max – The Importance of Creativity in Prayers

This week we’re excited to welcome our returning guest, Brother Max.
Brother Max spoke about the importance of creativity in prayers and he shared some recent testimonies.  It’s always a pleasure to have Max’s enthusiastic energy on the broadcast!

Some Questions & Comments From the Show:


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