Sir Timothy Thrapp teaches on “Love, the most powerful force in the universe!” Our guest Brother Jonathan Gray revealed further insights from his forays into history.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – Love, the most powerful force in the universe!
A few notes:

Jn 13:34-35

New creation realities – Chapter – What have you done with love????

Love is guided by your faith and actions.

Faith works by love.


Practice 15min / day loving God with all your heart.

Technology & World Highlight:
Amazing Discovery With Magnets
Interesting discovery with magnets might have you scratching your head.  See this curious demonstration and Sir T’s comments on our science tidbit this week.
Revealing of Jesus and Life in the Universe w Howard Storm
An incredible audio interview with Pastor Howard Storm who went through a near-death experience in 1985. As a college professor and atheist, he underwent a remarkable transformation during this event to be guided by Jesus and shown glimpses of where humans came from and what other beings also existed in the universe. You will be amazed at what Howard experienced and the answers to his questions.
– we have so much power to shape…
– if the dark side even knew half of what they’re missing, they would run headlong into God and follow Him will all their heart.
Guest: Brother Jonathan Gray – Forbidden Knowledge

Jonathan Gray, back this week to further inform us about some amazing little known facts about our history.  He shared further insight from some of his incredible research into history we’ve not been told about.
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
Q: are you of the opinion that as we mature or get to a certain level , we graduate to a different planet and why is there different planets with different people?
Q: “FreeWill” and Angles…How can a Angel Turn From God without something like Free Will ????
C: regarding Brother Grays Books: I have many of his books, and have read most of them. THEY ARE AWESOME!
C: I also bought one of his books and he is very interesting. I want to buy other books of his also. He is so knowledgable
Q: What is Jonathan’s most important discovery to Christianity?
Q: If Jonathan had to suggest just one of his books to a person, which one would he suggest and why?
C: I am very thankful for Jonathan’s information, and expertise. It has blessed me greatly!
Q: does Mr Gray know about Shamir and its use?  To cut stone…?
C: I not so sure he’s(Satan) kicked out yet because the word says he acuses the brethren night and day and it also says satan is the god of this world
C: I have heard regarding Shamir: I have heard it was the first form of alpha radiation.


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