#165 How to Wield the Power Of God in Your Daily life!; Guest Brother Tim Martin – Amazing Technologies
on November 20th, 2013 at 9:51 pmSir Timothy Thrapp teaches on “How to Wield the Power of God in Your Daily Life” and our guest (and host) Brother Tim Martin, discusses some little-known technologies.
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – How to Wield the Power Of God in Your Daily life!
Just a few notes from tonight’s teaching:
2 cor 1: we don’t war in the flesh – protesting, fighting, screaming, shooting, etc…. but our weapons are MIghTy, for the pulling down of strongholds, bringing every thought into captivity.
God NEVER intended circumstances to control his children. But for his kids to believe in faith to fix the circumstances.
Jer 23:29
Technology & World Highlight:
Starfleet Caught On Amateur Telescope – (A new technology has been developed allowing telescopes to view into deep space! The images are so astounding that it is hard to believe. Even the ministers/scientists/engineers were quite skeptical at first. Images of giant structures, some even big enough to rival planets in size, but definitely not planets (or stars)!)
MUST SEE Government Secrets – Part 1 – (More hidden technologies we weren’t suppose to know about!)
Wealth Inequality in America – (Does the average American have any idea about the distribution of wealth among the population? It’s likely not what you might think!)
Congress all bribed, has zero confidence in eyes of America – (Former senior counsel of the IMF is still blowing the whistle on the corrupt world banking and the mainstream media.)
Testimonies / Call-Ins:
–brother Joshua called in and spoke some very kind encouraging words.
–brother Scott called in and gave a testimony.
Guest: Brother Tim Martin – Little-known Technologies
(see above for links to videos discussed)
Some Questions & Comments From the Show:
Q: Question for Show: Baptize in the Holy Spirit ? To receive Baptism in the Spirit must you be Baptize by a follow Christen by laying on by hands?
C: Proverbs 6:31 “Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.” We command all the wealth of the wicked to be returned to the righteous, widows and orphans. In Jesus name. Amen!
Q: 2 Cor 5,8 Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
C: A lot of these people in government are CIA operatives. Search for MK Ultra and they have new mind control programs.
C: The actual distribution of wealth is an eye opener! Wake up America
C: Federal Land should be condemned by the states and put back into the state coffers back to the people
C: The gov. schools teach everyone to get a job and get a check from the elite. They are told that rich people spent a free $1000 and a poor person won’t.
C: The elite worship Satan and bow to Molech Owl statues
Q: I an hearing a LOT about the Book Of Enoch. But only found his name in the Bible once!! What is this book and is it for Christens ?
C: Western Christens have been “HoodWinked” and have a narrow of God and what He can Do Today
C: I love Sir T’s bible study. God has blessed him greatly.
Q: question for sir t or bro martin. What are your thoughts on vaccines for children?
C: Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me , and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. KJV
C: Regarding Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Every believer receives the Holy Spirit at Salvation… we are indwelt with The Spirit… This is like a cup filled with Water.
» The Baptism of the Spirit is a separate event… seek, pray, worship, and believe… keep knocking, keep praying… seek a deeper relationship.
» The baptism is like taking that same cup, submersing it in the Ocean, and lift it up… FILLED AND OVERFLOWING, with plenty of His power that it overflows onto people around you.
» The Baptism of the Spirit is a filling with additional Power… power over sin, power to proclaim, and power to glorify the Lord!
C: so many ppl think we can force the Spirit to baptize us… by forcing believers to speak in tongues… “repeat after me.. comeseemytieonahonda”… weird…When I received the Spirit’s baptism, it was an amazing event… and was probably 3 years after I was saved. Yes, I spoke in tongues… freely… and it wasn’t something I looked for, it just happened.
C: Sir T is so right… SEEK… deeper and deeper relationship… that’s how we can clearly know the will of God, because the closer we get to Him, the more we “KNOW” Him…
C: Just wanted to say thanks for the privilege I had spending time with each one of you tonight Godspeed in Jesus name… Be Safe in Him!
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