Sustainable Christianity Among a Fallen World; & Seeing Miracles In Australia

Guest Teacher Brother Kyle Smith teaches on “Sustainable Christianity Among a Fallen World.  Our Guest Brother Rob Abreau from Australia shared stories of miracles that have taken place in Australia since he first found WITTS Ministries and started practicing the teachings on authority that so many have benefited from.

Teaching: Brother Kyle Smith & Sir Timothy Thrapp – Sustainable Christianity Among a Fallen World!

Some Notes from the Teaching:
Beginning with Mt 13:3, Brother Kyle spoke directly to the relationship between planting and maintaining a garden and a spirit filled relationship with God!  God’s family is the fertile soil!
Technology & World Highlight:
We reviewed some key clips in the following videos.
We encourage each person to review them in their entirety.
USA Inc Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Trevor Coppola – Conspiracy Con – All Humans have been declared war upon!
Dr Magda Havas, PhD – Conspiracy Theory: Population Control & Microwave Radiation – This clip takes a look at radio frequency pollution and it’s impact on health.  This has been discussed on the show previously and Sir T has talked about how the QUEET can be used to diminish the effects of RF.
2012 – A Message of Hope   – a very encouraging word from a diverse group of people.

Guest-Topic: Brother Rob Abreu – Seeing Miracles In Australia!

He shared stories of miracles he’s personally witnessed, that have taken place in Australia since he first found WITTS Ministries and started practicing the teachings on authority that so many have benefited from.

Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:

C: » Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
C: » Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
C: I was afflicted with a sick stomach and weakness today. When I got into the word (for just a few minutes of 1John) it turned around and I was quickly healed.
C: ONLY after much prayer asking God for guidance as to where I can find answers, I was LED TO WITTS. Seek ye the truth, and the truth will set you free. WITTS=FREEDOM FOR MAN KIND.
C: With regard to the Illuminatti “warning” peoople before they strike them is not to give them a “Chance” but rather LEGALLY they have permission to carry through with their evil if no son of God DISALLOWS them from doing so…SO let us take authority over this here and now over these clowns and their dirty plans!
C: Amen I come against (the banksters evil plans) and declare it the name of Jesus!
C: Revelation 11:16-18 : 16And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17saying:   “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,  the One who is and who was,  because you have taken your great power,  and have begun to reign.   18The nations were angry,  and your wrath has come.   The time has come for judging the dead,  and for rewarding your servants the prophets,  and your people who revere your name,  both great and small—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”
C: ….Speaking of the demise of those who destroy the earth…
C: i contacted state senators and my town mayor about chemtrails. i wanted to educate them. I have seen a huge DECREASE in chemtrails lately
C: We call upon the armies of heaven to dissolve their technology to nothing and destroy the men and robots in the fire of God!
C: Queet is Awesome!
Q: Sir T, how do you account for the electromagnetic field of the heart being so strong compared to that of the other parts of the body?
C: Ten days ago I was with my mom as she passed from this side of the veil to the other side.  Among other evidences that the veil was especially thin and the kingdom of Heaven was near, in her final moments I could see in her eyes as the spiritually manifest eyes.  Awesome experience.
Q: Can the Queets “wear out”? Are they fragile?
C: I shouted at the rain to stop a few days ago and it stopped instantly. (My son was joking around with me just prior to this having faith for rain while I had faith for it to stop…the rain was sppeding up and slowing down accordingly)
C: I had this Ford van for years and the display on the radio almost never worked (a few hours at most). I took a very intentional authority over the display about four weeks ago and it has been working without fail since then.
C: Matthew 5:24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
C: Christ is Lord of lords….
Q: Brother Rob, what do you think is a good way to wake people up?
C: I love this brother -he has some REAL spirit! I am from a Catholic background too and one thing about Catholics: They know how to stand-up and fight for what they believe in. Takes one to know one. 🙂
C: sirt talk more about red light
Q: can the red quantum light kill fungus?
References & Links:

USA Inc Depopulation & You – Deborah Tavares Trevor Coppola – Conspiracy Con
Dr Magda Havas, PhD – Conspiracy Theory: Population Control & Microwave Radiation
2012 – A Message of Hope 
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