Sir Timothy talks about God s Plan to bless everyone with an upgrade…

…Is this a new body, or what?  Tune in to the archive to find out more about God s Plan!

Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on God’s Awesome Plan to Bless Everyone with an Upgrade!
Find God s Plan – seek Him.  Read His Word.  Enter in to new relationship with God today.
Guest/Topic: Tom & Ruth Rambo – Their experiences: Gold Dust, Feathers, and other manifestations of God’s presence!

God s Plan

Brother Tom and Sister Ruth Rambo share a little more about God s Plan

Brother Tom and Sister Ruth Rambo discuss more about their remarkable adventures, witnessing countless manifestations and miracles along their journey.  Last week we ran out of time so hopefully we’ll hear more details about the gold dust and feathers!
But remember: Don’t seek Manifestations, seek God!
Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:
Q: Sir Timothy and Brother Martin why is it in your opinion that aliens have not made themselves so openly know that governments couldn’t hide it. For instance, like an independence day (the movie) type scenario without all the explosions?  …”Not stopping for gas” I LOVE IT…LOL
Q: where was this meeting where the feather and gem stone manifestation happened?  How long ago did that happen?  How did it stop?  Did it stop?
C: Thank you for sharing that your ministry was your children. I am a father of 5 and thought that the Lord told me that my kids were my ministry. Now I have confirmation. THANK YOU!
C: Finger of God is a interesting film with miracles.
Q: Hey Tom & Ruth, do you both have a lot of communication with Holy Spirit? And do your children have a relationship with Holy Spirit?
C: Amen bro Rambo about that discerning of spirits.
C: Great lively show everyone! Good laughs, great love, and wonderful fellowship!
C: Thank you so much for commenting on my questions. This has been another great show
Further Discussion:
Our video for tonight featured a brief clip discussing why the UFO and extraterrestrial presence is kept so quiet with few who are willing to come forward and speak about it.  Sir T has spoken about his own experiences regarding this subject.
Visitors From Space –
References & Links:

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