#108 Love – The Way to Redemption; Guest: Frank Adamo – QUEETs, Pyramids in the Garden, And Large Watermelons!
on September 12th, 2012 at 10:11 pm
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Love – The Way to Redemption
Guest/Topic: Frank Adamo – Healing with QUEETs, Pyramids in the Garden – Strawberries, Watermelons, & More!
Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:
–So, how does the Philippine government feel about free energy? Would they be OK with manufacturing that kind of stuff in their country? It would certainly probably be much cheaper.
–Engineers run into heat problems when trying to put together a system harnessing quantom energy, I thought Tesla had a cooling effect on his sytems ???
–I can attest to fresh (raw) milk from cows on pasture helping with cavities and other health problems. Praise the creator for such simple goodness.
–Sir T on the heat engine with ammonia for expansion. Which area of the plans was the .0001 1 ten-thousandths dimension?
–Can you comment on Otis Carr’s work in the late 50′ and early 60’s.
–Sir T discussed helping cavities some time ago… Was that a QUEET or the healing light?
–Been wanting to put up a pyramid over the garden. Good incentive to finally do so for next growing season!! Is there a recomendation for the cover material on the Pyramid? Frank used plastic, would tyvek be good as a stronger material? …(some have warned that Tyvek reflects lots of UV light and can burn retinas)
References & Links:
All Heaven Declares by Hillsongs – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og3sYXgBST4
THE SYMMETRY OF DARKNESS – posted by UFOPOLITICS on Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DjB3gGGVUY
Love – The Way to Redemption
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Get informed and involved in REAL World Improvement! Help change our world for the better!
Having much to cover tonight, Sir T will briefly continue his teaching on, Love – The Way to Redemption.
We have an exciting guest joining us, Brother Frank Adamo. What does pyramid technology have to do with growing watermelons? You will be surprised at what Brother Frank has been up to after employing some of the ideas he learned from WITTS! Also, Brother Frank has some remarkable things to share about using the Quantum Energy Enhancement Technology (QUEET). We’re very eager to hear what he’s prepared to share on the show!
Also, we’ve got an interesting video clip that reveals how science has been intentionally limited to dis-allow overunity in motors and generators. The notion of systems being closed and consisting mostly of losses is an erroneous concept.
Sir T will shed some light on this and how WITTS has developed many overunity technologies over the years that all rely on the concept of open systems. If fact, he’ll explain why it’s practically impossible to have a true closed system where inputs and outputs are all accounted for.
This is going to be a fascinating insight into engineering views that very few have knowledge or hands-on experience!
Watch the show live on our new page: www.WITTS.ws/theshow or visit the regular Justin.tv site: www.Justin.tv/worldimprovement .
Don’t forget JT’s ebook is available on the WITTS Gifts Page. It is packed full of enlightening info on many of the WITTS technologies. All donations benefit a very important cause – World Improvement and WITTS Ministries.
Submit your questions live, in chat or at the email address below!
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss! If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE! God Bless You!
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