#106 The Power of Love, The Power of Life; Guest: Larry Riegel – Falling Into His Love, Falling Into His Grace
on August 29th, 2012 at 9:50 pm
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Power of Love, The Power of Life
Guest/Topic: Larry Riegel – Falling Into His Love, Falling Into His Grace
Some Questions & Comments From the Broadcast:
–Sounds like my story where God allowed me to have TWO near-death accidents before I was saved (due to my anger and stupidity), but it forced me to face my mortality, and my need for God to save me, and show me how to live. » In my last accident, He gave me a vision of The Pit… with my toes hanging over the edge of the Pit… and I heard “You now have 2 strikes…..” and I knew exactly what THAT meant! » The Hound-dog of Heaven wasn’t giving up on me!! Like Larry, I live with the scars and pains from my injuries… but this keeps my eternal focus on Heaven, and not here on Earth.
–Sir T, could you talk about bible roullette/bibliomancy?
–Its a nice testimonies about the astronaut encounter something on the space…in my opinion there is a lot of creature there…God created them…its make me interested about alien…i dont think alien are bad..maybe some are good some are bad…they look scary for me.
–Sir T… I was playing with a HV Flyback Transformer project my 13 yr old son and I have been working on, and all at once my output went from 15-18kV, to over 42kV…(cont.) and my computer (6-8 feet away) made the sound of USB-disconnect sound because my external hard drive got corrupted. Ever heard of accidentally creating an EMP pulse with a TV flyback transformer?
References & Links:
The Power of Love, The Power of Life
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
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Tonight Sir T will be sharing A Short Inspirational Message on The Power of Love, The Power of Life.
Our special guest will be Larry Riegel! He will be discussing, Falling Into His Love, Falling Into His Grace.
Also, expect to see a video that should provoke some interesting discussions about what the US astronauts really saw in space.
Watch the show live on our new page: www.WITTS.ws/theshow or visit the regular Justin.tv site: www.Justin.tv/worldimprovement .
Don’t forget JT’s ebook is available on the WITTS Gifts Page. It is packed full of enlightening info on many of the WITTS technologies. All donations benefit a very important cause – World Improvement and WITTS Ministries.
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Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss! If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
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Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE! God Bless You!
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