Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Role of the Holy Spirit in this World Present Day! Part 2
Guest/Topic: Richard Lobwein – Authority Over the Weather

See the Before Prayer / After Prayer video, right-side-up.

Recommended by Brother Richard Lobwein:


Further Discussion / Questions & Comments:
Several questions and comments by various people during the show:
…Did China take your Skybike technology and reverse-engineer it to get this car Sir T?  It looks like one of the obvious copies of your technology probably of many?
…scroll down for more!

Greetings to all in the name of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ!

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Tonight’s broadcast will continue with: The Role of the Holy Spirit in this World Present Day! Part 2 
Sir T will again continue from last week’s teaching.
Our guest is our dear brother Richard from Australia returning to bring us up to date on taking authority over the weather.  We’ll have pictures before and after a practically desert looking landscape is now turned green with grasses and vegetation.  Really quite amazing!Also tonight we’ll have a short video of a “hover car” built in China that travels with no wheels and requires no fuel.  The technology making in possible will be discussed during our broadcast along with conventional VW automobiles being manufactured today that achieve much higher mileage than the USA will allow.  See a video here when an American discovers this and attempts to obtain one in the US.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnlXGvA1Wk
Submit questions live in chat or at the email address below.  Tune in and participate!
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss!  If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE!  God Bless You!
10PM Eastern USA time. www.justin.tv/worldimprovement
The World Improvement Team
Just click this link: contact@witts.ws and put in the subject line: “Questions for the Program”
Thanks! To each and every one of you for being part of, perhaps,
Time: Wednesday, 10PM Eastern USA Time
Place: justin.tv/worldimprovement
You are welcome to visit our website: www.witts.ws
Further Discussion / Questions & Comments:
…back to the future had great quote in it – and hoverboards!
…Several autos that get better mileage in other countries that I know of which cannot be purchased in USA.
…People might like this website called lightsource.com – the ministry is called precepts for life – it has helped me study the Bible and goes Book by book- verse by verse….has greatly helped me!!
…Reminds me of the video that Ron Wyatt was told to make in the cave under the dome of the rock for later about secrets of God to be revealed at a later time. Wow!
…Awesome thought how God is there outside of “time” watching over us here in what we call time just waiting to reveal his love and power against every dark thing.
References & Links:
Recommended by Sister Lydia for Bible Study: http://www.lightsource.com