Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Power of Love! The Greatest Power of the Universe! Part 5
Guest/Topic: Brother Sebastian Gonczarek – Great things that our Wonderful God has done in my life!
Further Discussion / Questions & Comments:

  • Food growth techniques that reduce growth to maturity by 75% and increase size of watermelons to wheelbarrow size without the use of hybrid varieties and without any GMO!
  • Many other topics!

References & Links:
Tim Martin recommends books: Secret life of plants, and Secrets of the Soil.
Sebastian recommends ALL of Kenneth E. Hagin’s books.
Greetings and Blessings to all the Brothers and Sisters Joined in this Holy cause of REAL World Improvement!
Topic continuing for tonight’s broadcast: The Power of Love! The Greatest Power of the Universe! Part 5. Tune in tonight as Sir Timothy continues to share on this subject!
This week’s guest tonight will be our dear brother Sebastian, coming all the way from Germany.
He is a wonderful brother in The Lord Jesus. He will be sharing his testimony about the Great things that our Wonderful God has done in his life!
Don’t forget to tune in and participate!  We all learn from one another so don’t hesitate sending in your questions!
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss!  If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE!  God Bless You!
10PM Eastern USA time. www.justin.tv/worldimprovement
The World Improvement Team