#086 The Power of Love! The Power of God! Part 4; Guest – Dr. Sam Osmanagich – The Bosnian Pyramids
on April 11th, 2012 at 11:07 pm
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on The Power of Love! The Power of God! Part 4
Guest/Topic: Dr. Sam Osmanagich – The Bosnian Pyramids
There has been a measured radio frequency at approx 28kHz coming from the top of the Pyramid, getting STRONGER the further away from the tip it is measured…
Infrasound at approx 7Hz also measured.
“We need to be students all our lives – then and only then is there hope for us” – Dr. Sam Osmanagich
Further Discussion / Questions & Comments:
References & Links:
Hello Brothers and Sisters of the Family of God!
REAL World Improvement – get involved now!
Topic continuing for tonight’s broadcast: The Power of Love! The Power of God! Part 4. Sir T will be teaching on this most fundamental and important subject!
Our guest this week is Dr. Sam Osmanagich who will bring us the latest information on the Bosnian pyramids he discovered in 2006. This complex consists of five colossal stone structures with an extensive pre-historical underground tunnel network. Dr. Sam was with us previously but due to conflicting schedules the broadcast did not happen during our regular time. This will be an interesting update since WITTS has done work and research with pyramid geometry and technology and it’s relationship to quantum energy. Dr. Sam Osmanagich has a website with more information here: http://semirosmanagic.com/en/index.html
We encourage your input during the show so don’t forget to tune in and participate!
Another exciting program that you won’t want to miss! If you can’t be with us live, check out previous shows on our website, http://www.witts.ws/category/advanced-technology-teaching-archives, or on Vimeo.
Tell your friends! Invite everyone!
Your questions and comments welcome.
We send you our LOVE! God Bless You!
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