#062 Buddhist Monk Resurrected from the Dead!; Guest Timothy Martin – Orphans & Orphanages/Abandoned Children We MUST Help
on October 26th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Buddhist Monk Resurrected from the Dead!
Guest/Topic: Timothy Martin – Abandoned Children
Biggest reason for people not feeding their kids is low pay. Coupled with high cost of food makes it extremely difficult. $50/month typical income, with costs in the Pilippines similar to USA! Can you imagine living on $50 per month in the USA?
Buddhist Monk Story: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message168586/pg1
Buddhist Monk resurrected from the dead!
God Is So Good! This awesome testimony is the first 20 minutes or so.
Yes, God’s power is available to us! Every day! Every minute!
It comes because we study it and because we seek it!
Remember Jesus words, “Keep on Seeking and you shall find. Keep on knocking and the doors will be open”. And again his words, “All those who keep on seeking will find. All those who keep on knocking, the door shall be open unto them” Luke 11:9 and Mathew 7:7
And again HIS words, “If you ask anything in my name, believing, I will absolutely, positively do it. If I do not have it, I will make it for you!” John 14:11 thru 18
God is SO GOOD!
We thought you might enjoy hearing this true short story about a Buddhist monk that, our Merciful GOD decided to raise from the dead, as a witness to his fellow monks.
This man’s testimony is so powerful, that it has been outlawed TO EVEN HAVE A COPY of it, in 3 countries! (Written copies, Video copies and/or audio copies)
The dark-side is really worried about this man’s testimony!
The dark-side has also hired at least 3 different persons to impersonate this man, and say lots of strange things and act crazy, and contradict themselves, to discredit this man!
God Is So Good!
The story had been posted here: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message168586/pg1
Abandoned children need your Godly love and help.
As most of you know WITTS is about helping children worldwide.
You and WITTS Ministries really do save lives everyday!
You and All are invited to join us tonight.
God Bless You All!
Sir Timothy, Dr John, and the World Improvement Team
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