Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on GOD’S LOVE: The Way to Victory!, Pt 1

Guest: Patrick Heron
Guest Topic: End-Times Teaching – What’s gonna happen soon with the mark, the beast, etc?
Further Discussion: Laying on of Hands;
Reference: Patrick’s New Book – see his site at:  www.neph.ie
Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in the wonderful name of Jesus, our Messiah and beloved savior!
We have an inspiring and wonderful teaching tonight on the subject :
GOD’S LOVE: The way to victory!
In this world where the love of many has grown cold, how important is it to stay in love with God and our neighbor?
It is absolutely vital!
This issue along with our faith will mean our life or our death.
Not only does the scripture say that the “Just shall live by faith“, but is also clearly tells us that “Faith works by love.
How do we get a stronger love walk with our Great God?
How do we get more of the power of God in our lives?
Join us and Share this awesome love of God with us, tonight.
All Questions and opinions welcome, at the end of the program.
– The World Improvement Team
Thanks! To each and every one of you for being part of, perhaps,