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We have some great videos and awesome teachings this week!

Sir T will be sharing his teaching, “Reap! …for The Harvest is Ripe”
When does the end come? the Harvest? As Jesus called it… What is the final sign, according to God’s Word? …the sign that immediately precedes the Rapture and the Judgements, and The 1000 year Reign… Sir T will be answering this question and others, in tonight’s teaching/sharing.

This will be another exciting, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

The Last Sign Before Jesus Comes and The World Ends | Perry Stone (11 min to 21 min)

Jesus Showed Me These 3 Amazing Rooms in Heaven! | Ana Werner | Something More

This short sci-fi film embarks on exploring the intersection between science and reality not understood. Sometimes science fiction is closer to the truth than we realize.
Sci-Fi Short Film “The Adept” presented by DUST


One brother called in and talked about fasting. Sir T shared a few common herbs he uses regularly to help with cleaning up plaque on arteries, as well as cleaning blood in general.
A Sister called in as well and shared some expertise on some herbs. She recommends to look up anti plague formula from a Dr. Christopher, and recommends to clean your kidneys (boiling water with parsley and honey) and your liver (milk thistle, burdock root, and dandelion root, eat beets in any form) for any type of buildups. Verify all those are non-gmo.
The Eight Raptures in the Bible: Enoch, Elijah, Graveyards/tombs when Jesus rose, Jesus’ Ascention, Thief in the Night Rapture, Mid Trib, After Trib.

–>Sister Claudia’s Music Pick of the Week:

How great Thou art

Dallas Holm – Rise Again with Lyrics

Notes / Comments / Questions:


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