#474 Huge Events Prophesied for 2020!; A Tour Inside Cheyenne Mountain; Laser Powered Craft; The 70-Year Prophecies of the Bible
on September 23rd, 2019 at 9:27 pm- Download the FULL show by clicking “Download” on this page, then choosing the format you want.
Greetings and blessings to all! In the name of Jesus (Yeshuah) The Messiah!
Tonight, Sir T will be sharing some very exciting stuff!
Telling the future way in advance!
This teaching is full of numbers/dates/visions and downloads from The Lord!
“I believe in dreams and visions” Joel 2:28-32
2020 is just 3 months away! And what does God say about 2020???!!!
Two links everyone should watch and read PRIOR to the program, And again after are as follows:
The 70 Year Prophecies of the Bible – franknelte.net (Document)
And this link:
THE ORACLE: Ancient Prophecy Foretelling Trump & End Times | Jonathan Cahn
Kenneth E Hagin had a vision in 1950, where God showed him the Awesome things to come, (Such as the rapture and WW3) Along with a “hint” from God about the date of these things.
This ties in almost perfectly, with a vision that Sir T had a number of years ago… regarding the events for 2020…
Sir T will be teaching/sharing on these things and more!
Another AWESOME EXCITING PROGRAM that you wont want to miss!
Dont forget to review these 2 links ahead of time… It will blow your mind!… (In a good way.)
If you are a person that loves numbers/math/bible prophesy, (Half as much as Sir T does) this will be the funnest program we have produced yet!
THE ORACLE: Ancient Prophecy Foretelling Trump & End Times | Jonathan Cahn (2 min 0 sec to 27:44)
Technology & World Highlight:
Flight of the Future – Science Fiction or Reality
The North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) was established and activated on September 12, 1957. Now commonly referred as Cheyenne Mountain Complex, it’s said to be one of the safest places on earth.
Take A Tour Of The Military Operation Inside Cheyenne Mountain
–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:
Robin Mark – Be Unto Your Name
721 Before Your Throne {Dallas Holm}
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