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Hello All!
This week Sir T will be continuing his teaching, “The Concepts of Faith and the Reasons Faith Works!”
This will be another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:
This Bible is Leaking Oil by the Gallons! Is it Proof of End Time Miracles?
The worldwide industrial revolution of the early 1800’s included the beginnings of the railways, factories and the advent of “modern” machines. In Russia, did this also include electric power and free energy long since erased?
Трамваи царей. Видео-хроника 1800-1900 годов.

(5:00 – End)
Insider scientist Emery Smith gives insight into secret projects involved with opening time portals and his own work with free energy prototypes. Many similarities with details shared by Sir T and the ministry over the last few years.
Emery Smith – Cosmic Disclosure (brief segments)

–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:
Holy Holy Lord Stand And Give Him Honor

BE THOU MY VISION — My Favorite Irish Hymn! 🙂


Notes / Comments / Questions:


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