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Special Exciting Announcement This week!  Tune in!

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Hello All!
This week Sir T will be continuing his teaching, “The Power of God Belongs to Us!”
This will be another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:
The Amazing Alex Flying Craft
A Russian demonstrates an anti-gravity flying model.
Find the video and speculation about it’s operation here: Warp Drive Physics
But the technology they are promoting is not new. (300 years old, in this epoch )
In the 1700’s scientists were doing demonstrations like this one. Sir T will elaborate.
Big news! Exciting news!
Thanks to your help, we are very close on the Whole House Power System! We are optimistic that in just a few months or even a few weeks, we will have it on the gifts/perks page! Truly Exciting News!
If God leads you to donate further, please do as God leads your heart!
This will further speed up the development and finalization process.
If you have helped with this fundraiser, You are on our list to get notified as soon as these are available to our Covenant Partners! The first models off the assembly line belong to those that have helped! (as God leads your heart)
Once we have the whole house power system in production, we will be moving on to producing the flying car and/or sky bike! (Anti Gravity!)
God bless you!
This video of a Russian experimenter’s anti-gravity prototype is quite remarkable. Using counter-rotating discs, high voltage and magnets, the device rises in the air only restrained by the electric wires from the various power supplies.
Alex Flying Craft Полёт Гравилёта

An electric “flying car” has been unveiled recently in California. With a proposed 25 mile range, the company is shooting for a target price around that of a high-end SUV and be available in the next year or so. Time will tell.
Flying car innovator believes he can finally make it a reality

The Best Year Of My Life – 2017/500k SPECIAL


–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:
All Heaven Declares- Maranatha

May Your Kingdom Come
(No link)

Notes / Comments / Questions:


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