This week Sir T continued his teaching on, “The Awesome Authority of the Sons of Men!” Sister Claudia joined for a quick couple minutes, led a quick prayer, and shared a brief altar call.  Sir T taught on transformers as we shared some more over-unity, extremely simple circuits many of us have used. …And an awesome Q&A session where we talked about pulsing circuits, flat earth, gravity, and many other things!  Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Hello All!
This week Sir T will be continuing his teaching on, “The Awesome Authority of the sons of men!”
This will be another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Sister Claudia shared her testimony, led a prayer for those wanting to be certain of their eternity, and shared some encouraging videos.

Technology & World Highlight:

–>Having become uniquely skilled in transformer and motor design, Sir T will review various electric transformers the ministry had developed or refined through the years. Similar to the flux-switch transformer on the gifts page, many of these designs can be made over-unity, delivering more output than input power!
Transformers where output power exceeds input power


–>If you’re not yet convinced that most all the mainstream television news is fake, this should drive home the point. Your nightly news is centrally controlled, scripted and presented by professional teleprompter readers.
BEAST MODE Propaganda Exposed! The Video EVERYONE Should See!

–>Sister Claudia’s music picks of the week:
Open Our Eyes – Maranatha Singers

We Remember – Maranatha Singers + lyrics


k] Notes / Comments / Questions:


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