This week Sir T taught on the topic “Healing Belongs to You!”  Brother Rob Abreu joined us from Australia shared some amazing information from his own research on “Sugar – The White Death!”   Also, a follow-up from last week’s information on building inexpensive shelters and how to improve them to be more permanent and long lasting.  We then reviewed an explanation of common-core math, and an exceptional alternative, and the Nickel Iron NiFe Edison Battery, and our comments on both.  Another un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp” ”

This week Sir T will be teaching on Healing Belongs to You!
Also, a follow-up from last week’s information on building inexpensive shelters and how to improve them to be more permanent and long lasting.
Our Guest will be Brother Rob Abreu joining us from Australia who will be talking about “Sugar – The White Death!”
Another teaching that you will not want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

Here in the USA we have a department of education claiming to improve public schools by enforcing standards students should meet. See if this “common core” math example appears to be helping or impeding education.
Common core math explained 43-13


–>The Kiddies’ Motor Wheel! (1927)


–>Blowing Sugar in China – Amazing


–>The Best Battery for Off Grid and Solar Systems – Nickel Iron NiFe Edison Battery – “Tarrin it Up”


–>The Trachtenberg Speed System Basic Mathematics

–>Also talked about:
Back to Eden Documentary



Questions & Comments:

C: That is a very encouraging lesson and testimony with the cat that ran out of gas!  Very encouraging!  Thanks!
C: (Tip for the viewers): FYI: Am watching the show in Windows (Vista), via Streamlink, on VLC. This way my CPU is running at 10%. With the Livestream Flash player, in Windows (Vista), my CPU usage is 60%. It helps
C: (Re: New Vaccine film Bro Marin mentioned) …I signed up to see Vaccines Revealed however couldn’t connect.
C: (Re: New Vaccine film Bro Marin mentioned)  : i have seen it –  its a crazy video (Good crazy).
Q: I am fully on board with the factory, although was wondering if there are other things that could be done simultaneously?
C: …”The system consists of a number of readily memorized operations that allow one to perform arithmetic computations very quickly. It was developed by the Russian Jewish engineer Jakow Trachtenberg in order to keep his mind occupied while being held in a Nazi concentration camp. The rest of this article presents some methods devised by Trachtenberg. The most important algorithms are the ones for general multiplication, division and addition.[citation needed] Also, the Trachtenberg system includes some specialized methods for multiplying small numbers between 5 and 13. ”
C: Link to the PDF of that book:
Q: Brother Rob, can sugar or American candy be used effectively for killing termites?  I have a good friend with overly friendly termites.
Q: Brother M or T – Detroit Auto Show 2017 is Currently going on in Detroit Michigan, What do you think is the Best Vehicles and Technologies for 2017?
C: I’ve heard sugar leaches your body of critical minerals.
C: Sugar is what causes cholesterol problems in the blood, it is not fat.
Q: Brother M or T – What do you know about using a Easily Hand Turned Automobile’s Alternator to Generate Large Amount of Amps and Volts to Power a Refrigerator or Stove or Oven?
C: (Rob) very good comments on white sugar and GMO.  Thanks Rob for sharing.  Excellent news Rob, Thanks, I like growing my own food.  The chips have to compost first?   (Brother Rob replied yes to that question on Skype)
C: One problem I have with gardening in 12 inches of pure compost is tree roots come in and suck up all the moisture… I sell carrots grown in this type of method…
C: It is critical that the Church (children of God) know about their authority and how to use it.  I have to add that seeing rightly is simultaneously important. That is the part that is generally missing in the Church at large.  Authority can be directed either way and the adversary has been “helping” the sons of God misdirection their authority consistently since the garden of Eden.  The counterfeits of the world are the object of that misdirection.  Thank God that this ministry is in the right place in both of these respects!  Praise God I get to be part of it!
C: We need to create our own economy so that the masses will join something better.  Real accountability creates trust and wealth.
C: Re: the sugar video: That’s a good use for sugar!
C: JLitke:   that’s what I was going to say!
C: The Universe is full of abundance, we need to use it to serve each other in Rights.  Amen.  Being good is better than being bad.  Forgiveness is a requirement, we are not perfect in every way.  All time is a relationship with the Source (God).
C: Pray for a blizzard in washington on jan 21.  Drain the swamp.   Pray for Trumps protection/major upsets (are) planned…
C: We pray that all people will be in tune with the Holy Spirit in their relationship with the weather, Good bless.
C: We the people in Order to establish a more perfect Union must give allegiance to Rights.
C: They can Stop your Car  … with Smart Dust…
Q: Hi, can Sir T explain this- I as convinced it was still TUESDAY- not 1st time it has happened to me-might be old age afraid to get older ?

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