This week Sir T teaches on “If it does not kill you, It makes you stronger.” Philippians 4:13.  We also discussed recent political shenanigans and late in the broadcast, Brother Rand joined us to share some thoughts.  We reviewed some video evidence of huge lakes and forests on Mars that appear to have been seen by the Mars Global Surveyor.  Also, by video, Dr. Ben Carson spoke about a few problems currently facing the country, sharing some common-sense solutions.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp“If it does not kill you, It makes you stronger.” Philippians 4:13″

This week Sir T will be bringing us his teaching, “If it does not kill you, It makes you stronger.” Philippians 4:13
Another inspiring teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

In the late 1990’s the Mars Global Surveyor took pictures of the martian surface that seemed to resemble lakes and forests or vegetation. If so, it wouldn’t be the first time NASA has hidden the truth.
Huge Lakes And Forests Found On Mars Seen By The Mars Global Surveyor. (Mars Mysteries)

During a national prayer breakfast a few years ago with president Obama in attendance, Dr. Ben Carson spoke about a few problems currently facing the country.  His common sense solutions almost seemed uncomfortable in an upside-down world of sound bites and talking heads.
Seventh-day Adventist Neurosurgeon Stuns Barack Obama!!! Dr. Benjamin Carson, M.D.


–>Wayne Ritchie – Some Reasons to Vote for Trump

–>Hillary Collapse At 9/11 Event

–>Obama’s Staged Fainting Act Exposed (Redsilverj)

–>Ende Gelände 2016: Germany – Stopping Fossil Fuels


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