Sir T taught on “The 10 Most Important Things You Need To Know About Divine Healing!”  We also broached the topic of what would it be like to live in a world without work?  Is this what the architects of society want, and is it a good thing?   And what is causing the seemingly increasing number of horrendous sinkholes around the planet?  Sir T sheds some light on this recent phenomenon.

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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “The 10 Most Important Things You Need To Know About Divine Healing!”


Technology & World Highlight:

–With continued advancements in hardware and software technologies, are we about to come face-to-face with our own obsolescence? Could our machines evolve to create a world without work?
World Without Work

–Across the globe, sinkholes have become a more common occurrence over the last five years. Why has this become such a problem and what could be causing this devastating phenomenon?
Sinkholes The Groundbreaking Truth


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