Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp on Adventures in the God-Kind of Love, Pt 6Guest: Dr. Sam Osmanagic – Founder of the discussing the Bosnian Pyramid Discovery
Topic: The Recent Bosnian Pyramid Discovery, the largest pyramid in the world!
(Please accept our apologies, as most of Dr. Sam’s interview was cut off due to technical difficulties.)
Special Guest This Week:   Dr. Semir (Sam) Osmanagic, Chairman & Founder of the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation – bosnianpyramidofthesun.com
Link to Dr. Osmanagic’s bio: http://www.semirosmanagic.com/en/index.html
Special Time & Day, THIS WEEK ONLY:
Sunday 4:30 PM CT (5:30PM ET)
Most outstanding news of the 21st century! Covered on Sunday’s broadcast!
The largest known pyramid to-date!
…Recently Discovered!
…And a free energy system still operating!
…Still putting out FREE ENERGY!!!
…Scientists estimate between 2,000 and 36,000 years old!
Ask Questions during the Live Broadcast!
Also tonight, Adventures in the God-Kind of Love – pt5
You will be blessed!
(World Improvement Through The Spirit – www.witts.ws )

Another possible discovery: one mile due west of the peak of the Bosnian Pyramid of The Sun. The largest sign (could it be the name of the ancient city?) ever discovered, anywhere. The letters of the word appear to be approximately one mile long, from top to bottom. There appears to be five or six letters, each letter approximately 800 feet wide (left to right.)

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