#270 How to Raise The Dead; Floating Cities, Moon Structures
on October 24th, 2015 at 8:31 pmAlthough Sir T was delayed, we re-aired an excellent teaching recorded last November, and when he joined, he shared some additional teaching he felt was important for us to hear. We also discussed the recent reappearances of floating cities, and some interest around moon structures, among other topics.
- Download the FULL show by clicking “Download” on this page, then choosing the format you want.
- Audio-only of just the teaching here (right-click “save as”.) For entire list click Here.
Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “How to Raise The Dead”
This week we look forward to Sir T’s continued teaching on: “How to Raise the Dead”.
Technology & World Highlight:
–A floating city in the clouds last week in China? Sir T may give us some insight into what people saw and what would be possible with quantum technology.
20151009中天新聞 佛山驚現海市蜃樓?網友疑鏡面反射
–Various images of leaked space craft and unusual structures on the earth and moon.
secret nasa foto stolen by hacker
–The infamous “hacker” Gary McKinnon became known for his discovery of secret space program data on NASA’s computer systems.
‘UFO Hacker’ Gary McKinnon Tells What He Found on NASA Comp
–What would an advertisement from an honest politician look like? Maybe like this…
Honest Political Ads – Gil Fulbright for President
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