#535 How Much More Will Your Heavenly Father Give…; Elizabeth Joe's Testimony; NZ Hydrogen Powered Car; Mr. Daniel Dingel's Water Car ; 1992 Interview Stan Meyer
on February 27th, 2021 at 11:16 pm- Download the FULL recording by clicking “Download” on this page, then choosing the format you want.
We have some great videos and awesome teachings this week!
Sir T will be teaching on Jesus’ words, “How much more will your heavenly father give good things to those who ask Him?”
This will be another exciting, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
An URGENT note from The Elders of WITTS and Sir T and the entire World Improvement Team:
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. We strongly believe in this saying, above. So, to that end,
We are recommending to everyone that they pray about it… And let us know if you sense that God is leading you to be a builder/producer of water powered engines. (Generators, Motor cycles, Cars Trucks, etc )
If so, send us a email.
Time is short.
We believe the grid will soon go down, worldwide.
We believe that here in 2020, we have already entered into the tribulation period, and you have not seen anything yet! It is just starting with the mild stuff.
We do not want to scare people with all the details of the things coming, so we will just say,
“Draw close to God, and HE will draw close to you…” James 4:8
The GOOD news is: that even during these troubled times, GOD is doing great things! These free energy technologies will be coming out! Big time!
Now is the time to get in position to mass produce and help change the world for the better!
Now is also the time to win people to God! We will see the largest numbers of people saved ever, in this tribulation period!
How is free energy and salvation related?
Both save lives!
Both are solutions to the worlds problems!
At World Improvement Ministries, we offer solutions to ALL the World’s Problems!
We are the experts and the leaders in all kinds of advanced technologies! We have been building 100% water powered engines for nearly 200 years!
We are offering you, an unlimited number of classes to help you succeed!
No joke. No Typo! … 200 years!
Each of us need to ask ourselves,
“Will I partake, in these solutions”?
So, seek God… and if you believe you are called to produce the 100% Water powered Engines/Generators/Cars/Trucks, don’t delay, send us an email today!
These engine modifications are relatively simple to do. If you are a good mechanic, it should be easy for you!
(It starts with you sending us an email telling us you sense God’s leading in your life, to produce water powered engines/generators)
Our email address is wits2014@yahoo.com
We will reply and endeavor to make a win/win deal with you!
We want to set-up / establish, as many producers as we can, worldwide! We are offering unlimited classes to help you succeed!
Time REALLY IS short.
No exaggeration!
Those who know us, know that we strive to NEVER exaggerate.
God bless you!
Sir T and The World improvement Team
Technology & World Highlight:
“I Went Through Hell” – Elizabeth Joe’s Testimony
Secret New Zealand – Oil and Water Dont Mix – Hydrogen Powered Car
This week Sir T will discuss the work of Philippine innovator Danial Dingel and his long time work building water powered automobiles. Mr. Dingel had a close association with WITTS Ministries.
Mr. Daniel Dingel’s Water Car(part1)
1992 Interview with Stan Meyer – The Car that runs on Water
Top 10 Best CGI Animations 🌟 Compilation 2019 🌟
Class-Action Lawsuit Announced against Perpetrators of Pandemic Hoax
(Not broadcast during the Un-Program however highly recommended)
–>Sister Claudia’s Music Pick of the Week:
Shine Jesus Shine | Maranatha! Music (Lyric Video)
All my days (with lyrics)
Notes / Comments / Questions:
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