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Hello Brothers & Sisters!
We have some great videos and awesome teachings this week!
This week we will be welcoming our special guest, brother Mike Sprozzy teaching on: “Ecumenism”
Do all roads lead to God? Tune in this week!
Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Guest teaching: Brother Mike Sprozzy – Ecumenism

Technology & World Highlight:

How Microwaving Grapes Makes Plasma

Professor Eric Laithwaite explains the idea of a “magnetic river” using A/C electromagnetic fields in an ingeniously designed linear motor. Concise and clear demonstrations of maglev principles from the 1970’s.
Professor Eric Laithwaite: Magnetic River 1975

Did planet Mars lose it’s atmosphere sometime long ago? If so, why? Can anything be done to restore it, thus possibly making the planet’s surface inhabitable again?
Why Did Mars Lose Its Atmosphere? And How Can We Get It Back?

MAGNETO-TOROIDAL FIELD shown w/ new formulation

1. Frustrated By the Promises (First 11:10 minutes)

–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:

He Didn’t Throw The Clay Away – Michael English

Holy Place – Maranatha – Praise 7

Notes / Comments / Questions:


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