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Hello Brothers & Sisters!
We have some great videos and awesome teachings this week!
This week Sir T will be teaching on, “Faith that Prevails!”
Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

The recent fires in Paradise California show such unusual characteristics, even the emergency personnel are questioning the causes. Could it really have been an attack by directed energy weapons?
PARADISE DESTROYED: California Firemen Find Signatures of Directed Energy Weapons


The WHOLE TRUTH about Whole Foods FULL


God in Ancient China

So how are computer artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms born? You might be surprised to find out that programmers don’t exactly know how they work. What could go wrong?

How Machines Learn

You’ve Gotta Love Millennials – Micah Tyler

–>Sister Claudia’s Music Picks of the Week:

WHISPERS OF MY FATHER – HE IS OUR PEACE by Maranatha Singers with Lyrics

Hear My Prayer – Maranatha Singers

Notes / Comments / Questions:


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