#396 The Seven Spirits – Guest Teacher Isaac Dargan; Another Free Energy Gravity Motor!; Copper and Magnetism
on March 27th, 2018 at 11:19 pmThis week Sir T introduced our guest teacher Isaac Dargan, who taught on, “The Seven Spirits.” Sister Claudia joined for a few minutes, led a prayer, and shared some new encouraging videos. This week Another Free Energy Gravity Motor! We go over the details on this one. We also talked about magnetism and copper specifically, and another amazing Q and A session as well! …Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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Hello All!
This week Sir T welcomed our guest, Isaac Dargon, who taught on “The Seven Spirits.”
This will be another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Isaac’s website is http://thetabernacleseries.com
Sister Claudia joined for a few minutes, led a prayer, and shared some new encouraging videos.
Technology & World Highlight:
–>Utilizing buoyancy, gravity, and a column of water this device demonstrates that energy can be converted to provide kilowatts of “free” electricity. WITTS Ministries has built many such machines proving the feasibility of harnessing these principles.
HIDRO Free Energy Explained
IPE-hydro linear generator.wmv
–>Although copper is generally considered non-magnetic, it can certainly be employed to show unexpected interactions with magnetic fields. These experiments can expose why conventional motors and generators are far from ideal in efficiency.
Copper’s Surprising Reaction to Strong Magnets | Force Field Motion Dampening
–>Sister Claudia’s music picks of the week:
No links this week, you’ll have to watch the program 🙂
[break] Notes / Comments / Questions:
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