This week, Sir T continued his teaching on “Zoe: The God Kind Of Life IS For YOU!” We hear some awesome songs that will bless you, and we look into the no-till totally organic farming method you may not be familiar with yielding above-average profits. And we review the recent launch of a Tesla car into space by the SpaceX company. And also an interesting and informing Q&A as always. …Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!

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Hello All!
This week Sir T continued his teaching on, “Zoe: The God Kind Of Life IS For YOU!”
This will be another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

–>A long standing practice of turning or tilling the soil before planting is being seriously questioned. Are fields productive without this process? What about profitability? The answers are surprising, and not what big agriculture want you to know.
No-till Farmers Elizabeth and Paul Kaiser Keynote 2017 NOFA/Mass Winter Conference


–>Will Smith – Who are the people that are fanning your flames?

–>The launch of Space X’s heavy lift Falcon rocket marks a milestone in man’s history of space travel… Or does it? With the fanfare created putting a Tesla automobile on a trip to Mars, does anything surprise us during these times?
SpaceX Launching Tesla Roadster Into Space Footage


–>This week’s songs:

You Raise Me Up (with lyrics) – Selah

THY WORD – Amy Grant

El Shaddai — Amy Grant


Notes / Comments / Questions:


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