This week, Sir T taught on “The 2 Biggest Roadblocks to Supernatural Healing” starting with 2 Cor 5:17.  We reviewed some recent advancements in the world of robotic large-scale “printing” to make buildings and building materials.  And is coffee really that good for you?  Are we missing something here?  Sir T answers questions, and more!  …Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!

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This week Sir T will be teaching on, “The 2 Biggest Roadblocks to Supernatural Healing.”
2 Cor 5:17
Another fascinating, God anointed teaching you won’t want to miss!

Technology & World Highlight:

–>3d printing tech has kicked off a plethora of application development that could become instrumental in future construction. This week we look at a printing robot making structural matrixes that are vastly stronger than common wood framing.
Buildings Printed by Robots – the Future of Architecture

Producing the world’s first 3D-printed bridge with robots “is just the beginning” – Joris Laarman



–>This rooster runs every day to meet his favorite girl after school.

–>The next time you have the urge to sit down and enjoy a steaming cup of your favorite coffee… maybe ponder why it’s so prevalent in today’s culture? What if commercials were actually honest when marketing their products?  
If Coffee Commercials Were Honest – Honest Ads (Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Folgers Parody)


–>Sister Claudia’s music pick of the week:
What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship – with Lyrics


Notes / Comments / Questions:


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