#386 Obey and Prosper!; Wormholes & Portals To Other Dimensions!
on January 15th, 2018 at 10:58 pmThis week, Sir T continued from last week’s fascinating topic, “Obey God and Prosper!” Sister Claudia joined and prayed, and shared some thoughts. We reviewed a couple recent viral videos claiming to produce portals to other places, and though we think they are fake, Sir T talks about the REAL portals / wormholes / Einstein-rosen bridges that the Ministry has created and used on more than 1 occasion. …Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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This week Sir T continued on the topic, “Obey God and Prosper!”
Many good scriptures in this teaching.
Sir T recommends we all study the writings of E. W. Kenyon.
Technology & World Highlight:
–>Portals to other times, places or dimensions have been written about in numerous sci-fi novels. Is there a basis in science that could make them indeed possible? Sir T weighs in on what effects he’s seen during experiments and what could be possible.
432 Hz opens up dark mass
Man Opens With Audio Frequency A Real Dimensional Portal
–>Birds of a feather flock together? This remarkable pilot cruises among his feathered friends in this stunning video footage from France!
Pilot Takes To The Skies With Bird Flocks
–>If HAL-9000 was Alexa
–>This week’s song:
It Is Well – Kristene DiMarco – Bethel Music – with Lyrics
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