#373 Close Encounters of the God Kind; Akiane Kramarik & The Struggle to Bring Forth God's Message; Secret Space Program & Continuity of Government; Vaccines Causing Outbreaks?
on October 15th, 2017 at 9:23 pmThis week Sir T taught on, “Close Encounters of the God Kind” James 4:8. We looked at the story of Akiane Kramarik (the amazing child painter) from a little different angle this time – highlighting the amazing struggles she encountered in bringing forth her amazing works. Entrepreneurs and anyone at the cutting edge can relate to this struggle universal to all great achievers. We also delve a little more into the secret space programs going on around the world. And we touch another story on vaccination. …Join us for another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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This week Sir T continued teaching on, “Close Encounters of the God Kind”
…Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Technology & World Highlight:
–>Akiane Kramarik – Painting The Impossible
–>Now that disclosure is well underway and many have discovered the reality of the secret space program, what mechanisms enabled the massive monies and resources to be funneled to such a hidden agenda?
–>Del Bigtree HighWire Talk Check this out This came out of Boston University…
Notes / Comments / Questions:
[20:15:12] Rand Urban: Dale Carnegie
[20:34:57] Rand Urban: Excellent teaching Sir T! Thank you! -Rand
[20:49:41 | Edited 20:58:14] Rand Urban: E: Chris Sax: Best group of people I have ever seen. Bless you all with the wonders of God, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We know the Lord by your love demonstrated by faith. Thank you saints for your service to Gods kingdom.
[21:01:31 | Edited 21:04:15] Rand Urban: C: Jeff Ross-man-ith: (Re: the Akiana artist video) Wow! Thank you for sharing the film of her. Very touching and powerful!
[21:02:20 | Edited 21:04:26] Rand Urban: C: (Re: the Akiana artist video) Jim Larmore: wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:02:45 | Edited 21:04:04] Rand Urban: C: Linford Wenger: Very inspiring Akiana video. Unconditional love! God is so good! So is his forgiveness of sins and healing all sickness through our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
[21:03:29] Rand Urban: C: Jim Larmore: Sir T, have you all had a program or session on the sacred number’s 3,6,and 9? That all numbers go back to or are a root of 9 , 3 or 6? All numbers to infinity go back to nine.
[21:11:34] Rand Urban: C: Rand: I hereby declare and call out all leaders (-especially in the Church) who do not seek out the truth and question the lies mass media etc., perpetuates, to be siding with the dark side. They who lead the Church according to the way prescribed by the lying and murdering enemy make themselves to be evil cohorts of the adversary! There is no way around it. Satan was a liar and murderer from the very beginning and all those who lie, by default, practice murder along with him.
[21:27:40] Rand Urban: Q: Michael Remington: What was the significance or symbolism of the obelisk in Stanley Kuprik’s Space Odyseey 2001?
[21:29:31 | Edited 21:30:36] Rand Urban: C: Linford Wenger: This last video reminds me of a dream I had shortly after Trump was elected. I dreamed Trump was assassinated and our country turned into a civil war zone. Just recently (I had a dream) of a H bomb detonated in the US.
[21:33:58] Rand Urban: Q: Michael Remington: (Re: the wormhole experiment the ministry devised) When was the last time someone had replied to the notes in the PVC “bottles”? When and where did they witness its’ arrival?
[21:39:12] Rand Urban: C: Rand: Speaking of the Mass media dam of lies falling apart: Los Angeles Times ran a article debunking the official story of the Las Vegas shooting.
[21:39:54] Rand Urban: C: Chris Sax: Please take authority with me in praying for a client to pay me what is owed very quickly. I think there is some monkey business going on. We pray that they will pay me promptly what is owed. Thanks!
[21:48:13] Rand Urban: C: Daniel Jem: Interesting info on the Merr people. Thanks for sharing the news of the Kingdom; Good bless you all forever.
[21:49:04] Rand Urban: C: Daniel Jem: We should all be volunteers for the Kingdom of Rights = God.
[21:53:24] Rand Urban: Daniel Jem: Only honest tax for the Kingdom is a property tax that holds all accountable to rule of law = Rights -and keeps taxes low to uphold and enforce Rights.
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