#361 Perfect love casts out fear!" John 4:18; The Arrogance of The Intellect; Relic on the Moon?; Double-Slit Quantum Theory
on July 23rd, 2017 at 10:37 amThis week Sir T continued his teaching, “Perfect love casts out fear!” John 4:18. We discussed smarts/intellect vs. wisdom, and Sir T has some insight into a recent image that purports to be of a relic on the surface of the moon. We review some remedial quantum theory, and see some very unusual materials in action, like you’ve probably never seen before! …Another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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This week Sir T continued his teaching, “Perfect love casts out fear!” John 4:18
Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching you won’t want to miss!
Technology & World Highlight:
–>Dr. Jordan B. Peterson warns us not to mistake intelligence with moral superiority. There is no relation between being smart and being wise. No doubt we’ve all seen examples of these traits.
Jordan Peterson – The Arrogance of The Intellect
–>In these day’s of “fake news”, Sir T has some insight into a recent image that purports to be of a relic on the surface of the moon. Whether it’s genuine or not, it resembles familiar technology found in flying saucers of various design.
NASA This is why we never returned to moon! / top secret pictures about moon 2017 NEW! Vol 3
–>Dr Quantum – Double Slit Experiment
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