#352 Victory over Depression, Sadness, Mood Swings and Anger; More Evidence Darwin's Evolution Crumbling?; Superpowers; Big Money Insider Revelations
on May 21st, 2017 at 10:23 amThis week Sir T taught on “Victory over Depression, Sadness, Mood Swings and Anger. Victory Over ALL Negative Emotions!” 2 Timothy 1:7. Sir T shed light on this subject from God’s word and was another fascinating, God-anointed teaching worthy of your time! We also review a report of evidence for soft tissue found in dinosaur fossils, and how this flies in the face of accepted evolutionary dogma. Also, we discuss the question “Can humans have real superpowers?” And a big banking insider reveals hidden things most don’t know…another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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This week Sir T shared on, “Victory over Depression, Sadness, Mood Swings and Anger. Victory Over ALL Negative Emotions!”
2 Timothy 1:7
Sir T was shedding light on this subject from God’s word. This was another fascinating, God anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Technology & World Highlight:
–>Some scientists are finding Darwin’s theory of evolution is becoming more and more implausible. With various recent tests performed on bones thought to be millions of years old, actual soft tissue is being found. Could this start to change the dogma taught in today’s education system?
Scientists Baffled-New Discoveries-Darwinian Evolution Crumbling-Scientists Abandon Theory
–>PROOF: Something Very NEFARIOUS is Going On At You Tube
–>7 Humans Born With Real Superpowers
–>Also, we mentioned this video about elite bankers/finance and the evil that transpires at the top. It was quite moving and encouraging to see this man rise to the top circles only to flip sides and become a whistleblower and develop alternative financial mechanisms to combat the old criminal cartel.
Real Big Money: Revelations by an insider
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