#346 The Many Levels of Faith for Healing; Canadian Defense Minister Full Disclosure!; What Keeps Cleaning the Mars Rover?; New Cure for Sepsis?
on April 9th, 2017 at 11:57 amThis week Sir T taught on “The Many Levels of Faith for Healing”. We review a statement from the Former Defence Minister of Canada, The Hon. Paul T. Hellyer in which he shares a great many uncommonly known truths. We look a little deeper into the question of why NASA’s Mars Rover is still in operation way longer than it was planned to be able to run. And an EVMS doctor has possible cure for sepsis that is unusually simple. Another great un-program you won’t want to miss!
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “The Many Levels of Faith for Healing”
This week Sir T will be teaching on: “The Many Levels of Faith for Healing”
You won’t want to miss this inspiring message!
Technology & World Highlight:
–>During May of 2013 we welcomed former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer to our live broadcast (program #145) for his comments on the extraterrestrial coverup and disclosure of advanced technology. This week we’ve got his excellent discourse summarizing the pressing issues we’re all facing and must work through during these current times.
Full Disclosure by Hon. Paul T Hellyer – Former Defence Minister of Canada
–>NASA’s rover called Opportunity landed on Mars in 2004 for an expected 90 day scientific exploration. It was thought that dust and debris buildup from the harsh martian environment would render the solar panels inoperable. However, the rover remains active today with solar panels being kept clean by unknown cause.
What Keeps Cleaning The Mars Rovers?
–>EVMS doctor has possible cure for sepsis
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